“I just wanted to write to tell you that your Tarot Forecast has been FANTASTIC. I use it as a guide for what sort of actions I need to take for the month and it has served me so well. Finding my voice. Making decisions. It’s been great. I have even found a new love.

“I loved having my yearly taroscopes.  On the first of each month I’d eagerly flip to that month’s card and devour the reading.  I would often go back to the monthly reading half way through the month for clarity or guidance.  They were so supportive and helpful to me.” 


My super power is to combine Tarot, Astrology, Intuition and Life Coaching to deliver the messages you need to have an amazing life.

The Tarot Forecast Report is a guide for your year in 2020, both as an overview and monthly. You get a card pull for 2019, a card pull for 2020, and a card pull for each month in 2020.

Each card pull includes a breakdown of challenges, opportunities and takeaways, in addition to journal prompts, to help deepen the learning and inspire forward momentum on an even more powerful level.

You basically get a personalized tarot forecast (and workbook)  for the entire year!

*Example of Hyperlinked PDF below*


I know this report will enable you to approach your year full of intention, focus, direction and magic.

Some love notes from folks who have been loyal Tarot and TarotScope fans:

“Natalie is super intuitive and spot on in her TarotScope readings!”

“I loved having an idea of what to expect so I could create solid intentions and shift anything that might have needed shifting ahead of time.”

“Holy wow. This was like the next best thing to meeting with you every month for a reading. Still shocked at how spot on the readings were!”

These are just some of the magical side effects of Tarot Forecasts:

: You will feel loved on and cared for through the yearly/monthly messages
: You will get the confirmation you were seeking
: You will get clarity, insight, inspiration, reassurance
: You will know what to focus on to have a kick ass month and year
: You will move forward more powerfully in your month
: You will better know what decisions you need to make
: You will feel better, more at ease, calm, peaceful
: You will get coaching on what you need to do next
: You will receive gentle guiding to understand the meaning of the cards/reading
: Your intuition will be validated


“Thank you so much Natalie for providing these amazing TarotScopes! They are spot on and really resonate with me! They give me insights and help me manage everything that’s going on.”

“Natalie, love your reads and writing style. Always fun to read and so accurate. You have a gift my friend.”

With me you get a tarot reader, intuit, life coach and super savvy consultant all rolled into one … and that is the vibe of these forecasts as well!


Here is an example of a Tarot Forecast, if you are curious as to what you will get:

August 2018 Forecast – Six of Wands

The Challenge: Does it feel like you have been working hard and not seeing the ‘wins’ as of yet, or at least not in the way you may have been expecting them to come in? Or have you not been giving yourself as much credit for those ‘wins’? I get that you might still be IN the grander “battle” and cannot determine whether you are victorious or not. When in the thick of it, it may be harder to remember exactly WHY you are battling in the first place, so connecting to your WHY is crucial. But just because you are not there yet, doesn’t mean you will never get there or that you haven’t come a long way already.

The Opportunity:  The Six of Wands has us feeling victorious and comfortable on our high horse. You have definitely been to battle and forging forward courageously, and thus the Universe is showering you with opportunities, money, connections and ideas! You may not ‘be there yet’ but you sure as hell can ‘fake it until you make it.’ Put that energy of being a winner and super good at what you do into EVERYTHING you do!  Because guess what, that energy of “I am awesome and amazing and a rock star at what I do” is what will actually attract the things you want and are desiring to create!

The Takeaway: It will be important to stay humble and connected to your passion, so that you remain in the flow of your values and not driven by motivations that are not aligned with your purpose. However, boasting is also encouraged, which may be harder for you modest water signs. This month allow yourself to sit on your high horse! You have a lot to be proud of … so let yourself FEEL that! And then envision the end in sight so you can finish strong. Victory will taste so much sweeter!

Journal Prompts for August 2018 Forecast: What are the things you have accomplished this past year? What are you most proud of you for achieving or creating? What are ways you can celebrate with your tribe your victories?

“Natalie is spot on with her ability to forecast. I especially love the way she makes each reading so personal…like it was just for me!”

“Natalie’s reads are insightful, helpful, hopeful, and sometimes just the kick in the butt that you need!”


 ~ All of this goodness for only $69! ~

This extensive 2020 Tarot Forecast Report will come in the form of a PDF Report, with hyperlinks to easily jump to each month, instructions on how to use the report, as well as space to journal using the prompts if you were to print out the report.

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To start the process of having your own custom TarotScope Report for 2020 (or to purchase as a gift), click the Buy Now button and pay via PayPal*.




**Save $27 when you purchase two reports!**

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*IMPORTANT: Once paid, it will take up to two weeks from receipt of questionnaire to complete the report and send as a PDF via email. There are no refunds for the reports.



“I love Natalie’s TarotScopes! They’ve always been accurate and on-point for whatever I’m going through in my life. I love the positive, encouraging guidance I get from them. I see them as my messages from the universe as validation of I am where I need to be and to move forward where I need to.” Rhavie Masiglat

“TarotScopes offers you that ” little extra” as you seek your clarity and focus throughout your crazy busy weeks. Natalie pulls the cards with love, and we all need to start our weeks with a little more love.” Susan Loving

There is no better way to start my month than with Natalie’s Tarotscopes. It’s like she tunes in to exactly where I am at that moment and gives me insight and a new perspective on how best to navigate the waters. Her intuition is magical.” Stacie Kenton

“I really enjoyed looking through my forecast every month. It was a nice reminder to be aware of more than the daily routine of packing lunches and commuting and doing laundry. I found that beginning the month with reflection set the tone for being more present and aware throughout my days.” Melissa Glaze

“I loved the in-depth view that you get from having TarotScopes. It was accurate beyond belief and gave me something to keep top of mind when approaching challenges or opportunities. I used it as a guide in seeing the bigger picture.” Shauntel Jarreuau

Her reading is always dead-on and allows me to focus where I will be most effective in my life. Natalie’s intuition combined with her deep understanding of Tarot and Astrology can’t be beat!” Joni Zander

“I always find Natalie’s tarot readings to be accurate and beyond helpful. Sometimes you just need that little bit of reassurance or insight and that’s what Tarotscopes provided for me.” Diana Brown

For even MORE Love Notes around my General Tarot Magic, click HERE.


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