Teleclass: “Pain is a Power”


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“Pain is a type of fire within the body that burns through the sleep of the mind”

~Andrei Codrescu

Abhayada first read this quote laying within her bed in the Grossman Burn Clinic with 3rd degree burns over 30% of her body. She was given The Blood Countess to read by a friend, and this quote screamed directly to her soul at that very moment.

Even though she had liquid Morphine coursing through her veins on a drip, the amount of pain she felt was life stopping, soul shaking and definitely woke her up the most she had even been awoken this lifetime.

We have all experienced pain in life…physical, emotional, spiritual and even subconscious pain that is present, which we don’t even know exists within us sometimes.

Even if we know why we are in pain, what has brought it on and what actions will lead to the healing of it…sometimes the pain just gets to be too much to deal with, and we can’t see past the wall of hurt into the lesson and growth that it houses no matter how hard we try.

This is where Abhayada and Natalie step in to help you see that pain and suffering does not need to be something that only breaks you down. These periods of darkness and suffering within our lives are actually opportunities in which we are given the chance to get out of our comfort zones and grow.

You can change your relationship with pain. Once that happens, you change the way you look at and show up in your life. Living with joy, passion, love and freedom is absolutely possible.


Topics being covered:

  • How do you get through the pain?
  • How do you see the signs of strength coming?
  • How do you let go of pain that you still have an emotional bond and cord to?
  • How do you release yourself from the lesson of pain more quickly to get to the growth?

These are just some of the many topics Natalie and Abhayada will be covering in their teleclass called “Pain is a Power”.


Your Hosts:

Abhayada Aranya is a Certified Massage Practitioner, Reiki Master/Teacher, Juicing Teacher, Public Speaker and has been on a spiritual journey for the past 25+ years that have included Wicca, Buddhism, Hindu, Kabbalah. Finally after all of these years she has taken what she has learned from all of these practices and created her own way of seeing and speaking with who she realizes God to be, and is currently writing a book explaining her journey.

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Natalie Vartanian is a Certified Life Coach, Motivational Speaker, Personal Development Consultant, giggler, lover of skinny branches and a gypsy! Her favorite topic in the whole wide world? Sex and Relationships. Her passion for challenging herself has become a passion of helping others to challenge themselves and become their best self. She travels around the globe inspiring people to dream big and take the risks toward their most fun and adventure-filled lives.

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Teleclass Details:

May 9, 2013 from 6:30-7:30pm PST.

We will be recording the call, so even if you cannot make it live, you will receive a link to download the audio and listen at a later time.

Only $20 to learn ways of coping with pain, seeing it as the important opportunity for growth that it is and not fearing future pain.


Once you have registered for the teleclass, you will be added to the email list and receive more information regarding call-in number, etc.