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The team of Deputy and Associate Editors Heribert Schunkert, Sharlene Day and Peter SchwartzThe European Heart Journal (EHJ) wants to attract high-class submissions dealing with genetic findings that help to improve the mechanistic understanding and the where to buy lasix online therapy of cardiovascular diseases. In charge of identifying such articles is a mini-team of experts on genetics, Heribert Schunkert, Sharlene Day, and Peter Schwartz.Genetic findings have contributed enormously to the molecular understanding of cardiovascular diseases. A number of diseases including various channelopathies, cardiomyopathies, and metabolic disorders have been elucidated based on a where to buy lasix online monogenic inheritance and the detection of disease-causing mutations in large families.

More recently, the complex genetic architecture of common cardiovascular diseases such as atrial fibrillation or coronary artery disease has become increasingly clear. Moreover, genetics became a sensitive tool to characterize the role of traditional cardiovascular risk factors in where to buy lasix online the form of Mendelian randomized studies. However, the real challenge is still ahead, i.e., to bridge genetic findings into novel therapies for the prevention and treatment of cardiac diseases.

The full cycle from identification of a family with hypercholesterolaemia due to a proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9 (PCSK-9) mutation to successful risk lowering by PCSK-9 antibodies illustrates the power of genetics in this regard.With its broad expertise, the new EHJ editorial team on genetics aims to cover manuscripts from all areas in which genetics may where to buy lasix online contribute to the understanding of cardiovascular diseases. Prof. Peter Schwartz is a world-class expert on channelopathies and pioneered the field of long QT syndrome where to buy lasix online.

He is an experienced clinical specialist on cardiac arrhythmias of genetic origins and a pioneer in the electrophysiology of the myocardium. He studied in Milan, worked at the University of Texas for 3 years and, as Associate Professor, at the University of Oklahoma 4 months/year for 12 years. He has been Chairman of Cardiology at the University of Pavia for 20 years where to buy lasix online and since 1999 acts as an extraordinary professor at the Universities of Stellenbosch and Cape Town for 3 months/year.Prof.

Sharlene M. Day is Director of Translational Research where to buy lasix online in the Division of Cardiovascular Medicine and Cardiovascular Institute at the University of Pennsylvania. She trained at the University of Michigan and stayed on as faculty as the founding Director of the Inherited Cardiomyopathy and Arrhythmia Program before moving to the University of Pennsylvania in 2019.

Like Prof where to buy lasix online. Schwartz, her research programme covers the full spectrum from clinical medicine to basic research with a focus on hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Both she and where to buy lasix online Prof.

Schwartz have developed inducible pluripotent stem cell models of human monogenic cardiac disorders as a platform to study the underlying biological mechanisms of disease.Heribert Schunkert is Director of the Cardiology Department in the German Heart Center Munich. He trained in the Universities of Aachen and Regensburg, Germany and for 4 where to buy lasix online years in various teaching hospitals in Boston. Before moving to Munich, he was Director of the Department for Internal Medicine at the University Hospital in Lübeck.

His research interest shifted from the molecular biology of the renin–angiotensin system to complex genetics of atherosclerosis. He was amongst the first to conduct genome-wide association meta-analyses, which allowed the identification of numerous genetic variants that contribute to coronary artery disease, peripheral arterial disease, or aortic stenosis.The editorial team on cardiovascular genetics aims to facilitate where to buy lasix online the publication of strong translational research that illustrates to clinicians and cardiovascular scientists how genetic and epigenetic variation influences the development of heart diseases. The future perspective is to communicate genetically driven therapeutic targets as has become evident already with the utilization of interfering antibodies, RNAs, or even genome-editing instruments.In this respect, the team encourages submission of world-class genetic research on the cardiovascular system to the EHJ.

The team where to buy lasix online is also pleased to cooperate with the novel Council on Cardiovascular Genomics which was inaugurated by the ESC in 2020.Conflict of interest. None declared.Andros TofieldMerlischachen, Switzerland Published on behalf of the European Society of Cardiology. All rights where to buy lasix online reserved.

© The Author(s) 2020. For permissions, where to buy lasix online please email. thanks to Amelia Meier-Batschelet, Johanna Huggler, and Martin Meyer for help with compilation of this article. For the podcast associated with this article, please visit is a Focus Issue on genetics.

Described as the ‘single largest unmet need in cardiovascular medicine’, heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF) remains where to buy lasix online an untreatable disease currently representing 65% of new HF diagnoses. HFpEF is more frequent among women and is associated with a poor prognosis and unsustainable healthcare costs.1,2 Moreover, the variability in HFpEF phenotypes amplifies the complexity and difficulties of the approach.3–5 In this perspective, unveiling novel molecular targets is imperative. In a State of the Art Review article entitled ‘Leveraging clinical epigenetics in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction.

A call for individualized therapies’, authored by Francesco Paneni from the University of Zurich in Switzerland, and colleagues,6 the authors note that epigenetic modifications—defined as changes of DNA, histones, and where to buy lasix online non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs)—represent a molecular framework through which the environment modulates gene expression.6 Epigenetic signals acquired over a lifetime lead to chromatin remodelling and affect transcriptional programmes underlying oxidative stress, inflammation, dysmetabolism, and maladaptive left ventricular (LV) remodelling, all conditions predisposing to HFpEF. The strong involvement of epigenetic signalling in this setting makes the epigenetic information relevant for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes in patients with HFpEF. The recent advances in high-throughput sequencing, computational epigenetics, and machine learning have enabled the identification of reliable epigenetic biomarkers in cardiovascular where to buy lasix online patients.

In contrast to genetic tools, epigenetic biomarkers mirror the contribution of environmental cues and lifestyle changes, and their reversible nature offers a promising opportunity to monitor disease states. The growing understanding of chromatin and ncRNA biology has led to the where to buy lasix online development of several Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved ‘epi-drugs’ (chromatin modifiers, mimics, and anti-miRs) able to prevent transcriptional alterations underpinning LV remodelling and HFpEF. In the present review, Paneni and colleagues discuss the importance of clinical epigenetics as a new tool to be employed for a personalized management of HFpEF.Sick sinus syndrome (SSS) is a complex cardiac arrhythmia and the leading indication for permanent pacemaker implantation worldwide.

It is characterized by pathological sinus bradycardia, sinoatrial block, or alternating atrial where to buy lasix online brady- and tachyarrhythmias. Symptoms include fatigue, reduced exercise capacity, and syncope. Few studies have been conducted on the basic mechanisms of SSS, and therapeutic limitations reflect an incomplete understanding where to buy lasix online of the pathophysiology.7 In a clinical research entitled ‘Genetic insight into sick sinus syndrome’, Rosa Thorolfsdottir from deCODE genetics in Reykjavik, Iceland, and colleagues aimed to use human genetics to investigate the pathogenesis of SSS and the role of risk factors in its development.8 The authors performed a genome-wide association study (GWAS) of >6000 SSS cases and >1 000 000 controls.

Variants at six loci associated with SSS. A full genotypic model best described the p.Gly62Cys association, with an odds ratio (OR) of 1.44 for heterozygotes and a disproportionally large OR of 13.99 for homozygotes. All the where to buy lasix online SSS variants increased the risk of pacemaker implantation.

Their association with atrial fibrillation (AF) varied, and p.Gly62Cys was the only variant not associating with any other arrhythmia or cardiovascular disease. They also tested 17 exposure phenotypes in polygenic score (PGS) and where to buy lasix online Mendelian randomization analyses. Only two associated with risk of SSS in Mendelian randomization—AF and lower heart rate—suggesting causality.

Powerful PGS analyses provided convincing evidence against where to buy lasix online causal associations for body mass index, cholesterol, triglycerides, and type 2 diabetes (P >. 0.05) (Figure 1). Figure 1Summary of where to buy lasix online genetic insight into the pathogenesis of sick sinus syndrome (SSS) and the role of risk factors in its development.

Variants at six loci (named by corresponding gene names) were identified through genome-wide association study (GWAS), and their unique phenotypic associations provide insight into distinct pathways underlying SSS. Investigation of the role of where to buy lasix online risk factors in SSS development supported a causal role for atrial fibrillation (AF) and heart rate, and provided convincing evidence against causality for body mass index (BMI), cholesterol (HDL and non-HDL), triglycerides, and type 2 diabetes (T2D). Mendelian randomization did not support causality for coronary artery disease, ischaemic stroke, heart failure, PR interval, or QRS duration (not shown in the figure).

Red and blue arrows represent positive and negative associations, respectively (from Thorolfsdottir RB, Sveinbjornsson G, Aegisdottir HM, Benonisdottir S, Stefansdottir L, Ivarsdottir EV, Halldorsson GH, Sigurdsson JK, Torp-Pedersen C, Weeke PE, Brunak S, Westergaard D, Pedersen OB, Sorensen E, Nielsen KR, Burgdorf KS, Banasik K, Brumpton B, Zhou W, Oddsson A, Tragante V, Hjorleifsson KE, Davidsson OB, Rajamani S, Jonsson S, Torfason B, Valgardsson AS, Thorgeirsson G, Frigge ML, Thorleifsson G, Norddahl GL, Helgadottir A, Gretarsdottir S, Sulem P, Jonsdottir I, Willer CJ, Hveem K, Bundgaard H, Ullum H, Arnar DO, Thorsteinsdottir U, Gudbjartsson DF, Holm H, Stefansson K. Genetic insight into sick where to buy lasix online sinus syndrome. See pages 1959–1971.).Figure 1Summary of genetic insight into the pathogenesis of sick sinus syndrome (SSS) and the role of risk factors in its development.

Variants at six loci (named by corresponding gene names) were identified through genome-wide association where to buy lasix online study (GWAS), and their unique phenotypic associations provide insight into distinct pathways underlying SSS. Investigation of the role of risk factors in SSS development supported a causal role for atrial fibrillation (AF) and heart rate, and provided convincing evidence against causality for body mass index (BMI), cholesterol (HDL and non-HDL), triglycerides, and type 2 diabetes (T2D). Mendelian randomization did not support causality for coronary artery disease, ischaemic stroke, heart failure, PR interval, or QRS duration (not where to buy lasix online shown in the figure).

Red and blue arrows represent positive and negative associations, respectively (from Thorolfsdottir RB, Sveinbjornsson G, Aegisdottir HM, Benonisdottir S, Stefansdottir L, Ivarsdottir EV, Halldorsson GH, Sigurdsson JK, Torp-Pedersen C, Weeke PE, Brunak S, Westergaard D, Pedersen OB, Sorensen E, Nielsen KR, Burgdorf KS, Banasik K, Brumpton B, Zhou W, Oddsson A, Tragante V, Hjorleifsson KE, Davidsson OB, Rajamani S, Jonsson S, Torfason B, Valgardsson AS, Thorgeirsson G, Frigge ML, Thorleifsson G, Norddahl GL, Helgadottir A, Gretarsdottir S, Sulem P, Jonsdottir I, Willer CJ, Hveem K, Bundgaard H, Ullum H, Arnar DO, Thorsteinsdottir U, Gudbjartsson DF, Holm H, Stefansson K. Genetic insight where to buy lasix online into sick sinus syndrome. See pages 1959–1971.).Thorolfsdottir et al.

Conclude that they report the associations of variants where to buy lasix online at six loci with SSS, including a missense variant in KRT8 that confers high risk in homozygotes and points to a mechanism specific to SSS development. Mendelian randomization supports a causal role for AF in the development of SSS. The article is accompanied by an Editorial by Stefan Kääb from LMU Klinikum in Munich, Germany, and colleagues.9 The authors conclude that the limitations of the work challenge clinical translation, but do not diminish the multiple interesting findings of Thorolfsdottir et al., bringing us closer to the finishing line of unlocking SSS genetics to develop new therapeutic strategies.

They also highlight that this study represents a considerable accomplishment for the field, but also clearly highlights upcoming challenges and indicates areas where further research is warranted on our way on where to buy lasix online the translational road to personalized medicine.Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is an X-linked genetic disorder that affects ∼1 in every 3500 live-born male infants, making it the most common neuromuscular disease of childhood. The disease is caused by mutations in the dystrophin gene, which lead to dystrophin deficiency in muscle cells, resulting in decreased fibre stability and continued degeneration. The patients present with progressive muscle wasting and loss of muscle function, where to buy lasix online develop restrictive respiratory failure and dilated cardiomyopathy, and usually die in their late teens or twenties from cardiac or respiratory failure.10 In a clinical research article ‘Association between prophylactic angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and overall survival in Duchenne muscular dystrophy.

Analysis of registry data’ Raphaël Porcher from the Université de Paris in France, and colleagues estimate the effect of prophylactic angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors on survival in DMD.11 The authors analysed the data from the French multicentre DMD-Heart-Registry. They estimated the association between the prophylactic prescription of ACE inhibitors and event-free survival in 668 patients between the ages of 8 and 13 years, with normal left ventricular function, using (i) a Cox model with where to buy lasix online intervention as a time-dependent covariate. (ii) a propensity-based analysis comparing ACE inhibitor treatment vs.

No treatment where to buy lasix online. And (iii) a set of sensitivity analyses. The study outcomes were (i) overall survival and (ii) hospitalizations for HF or acute respiratory failure.

Among the patients included in where to buy lasix online the DMD-Heart-Registry, 576 were eligible for this study, of whom 390 were treated with an ACE inhibitor prophylactically. Death occurred in 53 patients (13.5%) who were and 60 patients (32.3%) who were not treated prophylactically with an ACE inhibitor. In a Cox model, with intervention as a time-dependent variable, the hazard ratio (HR) where to buy lasix online associated with ACE inhibitor treatment was 0.49 for overall mortality after adjustment for baseline variables.

In the propensity-based analysis, with 278 patients included in the treatment group and 302 in the control group, ACE inhibitors were associated with a lower risk of death (HR 0.32) and hospitalization for HF (HR 0.16) (Figure 2). All sensitivity analyses yielded similar where to buy lasix online results. Figure 2Graphical Abstract (from Porcher R, Desguerre I, Amthor H, Chabrol B, Audic F, Rivier F, Isapof A, Tiffreau V, Campana-Salort E, Leturcq F, Tuffery-Giraud S, Ben Yaou R, Annane D, Amédro P, Barnerias C, Bécane HM, Béhin A, Bonnet D, Bassez G, Cossée M, de La Villéon G, Delcourte C, Fayssoil A, Fontaine B, Godart F, Guillaumont S, Jaillette E, Laforêt P, Leonard-Louis S, Lofaso F, Mayer M, Morales RJ, Meune C, Orlikowski D, Ovaert C, Prigent H, Saadi M, Sochala M, Tard C, Vaksmann G, Walther-Louvier U, Eymard B, Stojkovic T, Ravaud P, Duboc D, Wahbi K.

Association between prophylactic angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors where to buy lasix online and overall survival in Duchenne muscular dystrophy. Analysis of registry data. See pages 1976–1984.).Figure 2Graphical Abstract (from Porcher R, Desguerre I, Amthor H, Chabrol B, Audic F, Rivier F, Isapof A, Tiffreau V, Campana-Salort E, Leturcq F, Tuffery-Giraud S, Ben Yaou R, Annane D, Amédro P, Barnerias C, Bécane HM, Béhin A, Bonnet D, Bassez G, Cossée M, de La Villéon G, where to buy lasix online Delcourte C, Fayssoil A, Fontaine B, Godart F, Guillaumont S, Jaillette E, Laforêt P, Leonard-Louis S, Lofaso F, Mayer M, Morales RJ, Meune C, Orlikowski D, Ovaert C, Prigent H, Saadi M, Sochala M, Tard C, Vaksmann G, Walther-Louvier U, Eymard B, Stojkovic T, Ravaud P, Duboc D, Wahbi K.

Association between prophylactic angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and overall survival in Duchenne muscular dystrophy. Analysis of registry data. See pages 1976–1984.).Porcher where to buy lasix online et al.

Conclude that prophylactic treatment with ACE inhibitors in DMD is associated with a significantly higher overall survival and lower rate of hospitalization for management of HF. The manuscript is accompanied by an Editorial by Mariell Jessup and colleagues from the American Heart Association in Dallas, Texas, USA.12 The authors describe how cardioprotective strategies have been investigated in a number of cardiovascular disorders and successfully incorporated into treatment regimens for selected patients, including ACE inhibitors in patients with and without diabetes and coronary artery disease, where to buy lasix online angiotensin receptor blockers and beta-blockers in Marfan syndrome, and ACE inhibitors and beta-blockers in patients at risk for chemotherapy-related toxicity. They conclude that Porcher et al.

Have now convincingly demonstrated that even very young patients with DMD can benefit from the life-saving intervention of ACE inhibition.Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) is characterized by unexplained LV hypertrophy and often caused by pathogenic variants in genes that encode the sarcomere where to buy lasix online apparatus. Patients with HCM may experience atrial and ventricular arrhythmias and HF. However, disease expression and severity where to buy lasix online are highly variable.

Furthermore, there is marked diversity in the age of diagnosis. Although childhood-onset disease is well documented, where to buy lasix online it is far less common. Owing to its rarity, the natural history of childhood-onset HCM is not well characterized.12–14 In a clinical research article entitled ‘Clinical characteristics and outcomes in childhood-onset hypertrophic cardiomyopathy’, Nicholas Marston from the Harvard Medical School in Boston, MA, USA, and colleagues aimed to describe the characteristics and outcomes of childhood-onset HCM.15 They performed an observational cohort study of >7500 HCM patients.

HCM patients were stratified by age at diagnosis [<1 year (infancy), 1–18 years (childhood), >18 years (adulthood)] and assessed for composite endpoints including HF, life-threatening ventricular arrhythmias, AF, and an overall composite that also included stroke and death. Stratifying by age of diagnosis, 2.4% where to buy lasix online of patients were diagnosed in infancy, 14.7% in childhood, and 2.9% in adulthood. Childhood-onset HCM patients had an ∼2%/year event rate for the overall composite endpoint, with ventricular arrhythmias representing the most common event in the first decade following the baseline visit, and HF and AF more common by the end of the second decade.

Sarcomeric HCM was more common in where to buy lasix online childhood-onset HCM (63%) and carried a worse prognosis than non-sarcomeric disease, including a >2-fold increased risk of HF and 67% increased risk of the overall composite outcome. When compared with adult-onset HCM, those with childhood-onset disease were 36% more likely to develop life-threatening ventricular arrhythmias and twice as likely to require transplant or a ventricular assist device.The authors conclude that patients with childhood-onset HCM are more likely to have sarcomeric disease, carry a higher risk of life-threatening ventricular arrythmias, and have greater need for advanced HF therapies. The manuscript is accompanied by an Editorial by Juan Pablo Kaski from the University College London (UCL) Institute of Cardiovascular Science in London, UK.16 Kaski concludes that the field of HCM is now entering the era of personalized medicine, with the advent of gene therapy programmes and where to buy lasix online a focus on treatments targeting the underlying pathophysiology.

Pre-clinical data suggesting that small molecule myosin inhibitors may attenuate or even prevent disease expression provide cause for optimism, and nowhere more so than for childhood-onset HCM. An international collaborative approach involving basic, translational, and clinical science is where to buy lasix online now needed to characterize disease expression and progression and develop novel therapies for childhood HCM.Dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) is a heart muscle disease characterized by LV dilatation and systolic dysfunction in the absence of abnormal loading conditions or coronary artery disease. It is a major cause of systolic HF, the leading indication for heart transplantation, and therefore a major public health problem due to the important cardiovascular morbidity and mortality.17,18 Understanding of the genetic basis of DCM has improved in recent years, with a role for both rare and common variants resulting in a complex genetic architecture of the disease.

In a translational research article entitled ‘Genome-wide association analysis in dilated cardiomyopathy reveals two new players in systolic heart failure on chromosomes 3p25.1 and 22q11.23’, Sophie Garnier from the Sorbonne Université in Paris, France, and colleagues conducted the largest genome-wide association study where to buy lasix online performed so far in DCM, with >2500 cases and >4000 controls in the discovery population.19 They identified and replicated two new DCM-associated loci, on chromosome 3p25.1 and chromosome 22q11.23, while confirming two previously identified DCM loci on chromosomes 10 and 1, BAG3 and HSPB7. A PGS constructed from the number of risk alleles at these four DCM loci revealed a 27% increased risk of DCM for individuals with eight risk alleles compared with individuals with five risk alleles (median of the referral population). In silico annotation and functional 4C-sequencing analysis on induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC)-derived cardiomyocytes identified SLC6A6 as the most likely DCM gene at the 3p25.1 locus.

This gene encodes a taurine transporter whose involvement in myocardial dysfunction and DCM is where to buy lasix online supported by numerous observations in humans and animals. At the 22q11.23 locus, in silico and data mining annotations, and to a lesser extent functional analysis, strongly suggested SMARCB1 as the candidate culprit gene.Garnier et al. Conclude that their study provides a better understanding of the where to buy lasix online genetic architecture of DCM and sheds light on novel biological pathways underlying HF.

The manuscript is accompanied by an Editorial by Elizabeth McNally from the Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine in Chicago, USA, and colleagues.20 The authors conclude that methods to integrate common and rare genetic information will continue to evolve and provide insight on disease progression, potentially providing biomarkers and clues for useful therapeutic pathways to guide drug development. At present, rare cardiomyopathy variants have clinical utility in predicting where to buy lasix online risk, especially arrhythmic risk. PGS analyses for HF or DCM progression are expected to come to clinical use, especially with the addition of broader GWAS-derived data.

Combining genetic risk data with clinical and social determinants where to buy lasix online should help identify those at greatest risk, offering the opportunity for risk reduction.In a Special Article entitled ‘Influenza vaccination. A ‘shot’ at INVESTing in cardiovascular health’, Scott Solomon from the Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School in Boston, MA, USA, and colleagues note that the link between viral respiratory and non-pulmonary organ-specific injury has become increasingly appreciated during the current hypertension disease 2019 (hypertension medications) lasix.21 Even prior to the lasix, however, the association between acute with influenza and elevated cardiovascular risk was evident. The recently published results of the NHLBI-funded INVESTED trial, a 5200-patient comparative effectiveness where to buy lasix online study of high-dose vs.

Standard-dose influenza treatment to reduce cardiopulmonary events and mortality in a high-risk cardiovascular population, found no difference between strategies. However, the broader implications of influenza treatment as a strategy to reduce morbidity in high-risk patients remains extremely important, with randomized control trial and observational data supporting vaccination in high-risk patients with cardiovascular disease. Given a favourable risk–benefit profile and widespread availability at generally low cost, the authors contend that influenza vaccination should remain a centrepiece of cardiovascular risk mitigation and describe the where to buy lasix online broader context of underutilization of this strategy.

Few therapeutics in medicine offer seasonal efficacy from a single administration with generally mild, transient side effects and exceedingly low rates of serious adverse effects. control measures such as physical distancing, hand washing, and the use of masks where to buy lasix online during the hypertension medications lasix have already been associated with substantially curtailed incidence of influenza outbreaks across the globe. Appending annual influenza vaccination to these measures represents an important public health and moral imperative.The issue is complemented by two Discussion Forum articles.

In a contribution entitled ‘Management of acute coronary syndromes in where to buy lasix online patients presenting without persistent ST-segment elevation and coexistent atrial fibrillation’, Paolo Verdecchia from the Hospital S. Maria della Misericordia in Perugia, Italy, and colleagues comment on the recently published contribution ‘2020 ESC Guidelines for the management of acute coronary syndromes in patients presenting without persistent ST-segment elevation. The Task Force for the management of acute coronary syndromes in patients presenting without persistent where to buy lasix online ST-segment elevation of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC)’.22,23 A response to Verdecchia’s comment has been supplied by Collet et al.24The editors hope that readers of this issue of the European Heart Journal will find it of interest.

References1Sorimachi H, Obokata M, Takahashi N, Reddy YNV, Jain CC, Verbrugge FH, Koepp KE, Khosla S, Jensen MD, Borlaug BA. Pathophysiologic importance of visceral adipose tissue in women with heart failure and preserved ejection fraction. Eur Heart where to buy lasix online J 2021;42:1595–1605.2Omland T.

Targeting the endothelin system. A step towards a precision medicine approach in heart where to buy lasix online failure with preserved ejection fraction?. Eur Heart J 2019;40:3718–3720.3Reddy YNV, Obokata M, Wiley B, Koepp KE, Jorgenson CC, Egbe A, Melenovsky V, Carter RE, Borlaug BA.

The haemodynamic basis of lung congestion during exercise where to buy lasix online in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction. Eur Heart J 2019;40:3721–3730.4Obokata M, Kane GC, Reddy YNV, Melenovsky V, Olson TP, Jarolim P, Borlaug BA. The neurohormonal basis of pulmonary hypertension in heart failure with where to buy lasix online preserved ejection fraction.

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Eur Heart J 2018;39:2002.8Thorolfsdottir RB, Sveinbjornsson G, Aegisdottir HM, Benonisdottir S, Stefansdottir L, Ivarsdottir EV, Halldorsson GH, Sigurdsson JK, Torp-Pedersen C, Weeke PE, Brunak S, Westergaard D, Pedersen OB, Sorensen E, Nielsen KR, Burgdorf KS, Banasik K, Brumpton B, Zhou W, Oddsson A, Tragante V, Hjorleifsson KE, Davidsson OB, Rajamani S, Jonsson S, Torfason B, Valgardsson AS, Thorgeirsson G, Frigge ML, Thorleifsson G, Norddahl GL, Helgadottir A, Gretarsdottir S, Sulem P, Jonsdottir I, Willer CJ, Hveem K, Bundgaard H, Ullum H, Arnar DO, Thorsteinsdottir U, Gudbjartsson DF, Holm H, Stefansson K. Genetic insight into sick sinus syndrome where to buy lasix online. Eur Heart J 2021;42:1959–1971.9Tomsits P, Claus S, Kääb S.

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Eur Heart J 2019;40:3672–3681.15Marston NA, Han L, Olivotto I, Day SM, Ashley EA, Michels M, Pereira AC, Ingles J, Semsarian C, Jacoby D, Colan SD, Rossano JW, Wittekind SG, Ware JS, Saberi S, Helms AS, Ho CY. Clinical characteristics and outcomes in childhood-onset where to buy lasix online hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Eur Heart J 2021;42:1988–1996.16Kaski JP.

Childhood-onset hypertrophic cardiomyopathy research coming where to buy lasix online of age. Eur Heart J 2021;42:1997–1999.17Elliott P, Andersson B, Arbustini E, Bilinska Z, Cecchi F, Charron P, Dubourg O, Kühl U, Maisch B, McKenna WJ, Monserrat L, Pankuweit S, Rapezzi C, Seferovic P, Tavazzi L, Keren A. Classification of the where to buy lasix online cardiomyopathies.

A position statement from the European Society of Cardiology Working Group on Myocardial and Pericardial Diseases. Eur Heart J where to buy lasix online 2008;29:270–276.18Crea F. Machine learning-guided phenotyping of dilated cardiomyopathy and treatment of heart failure by antisense oligonucleotides.

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One area have a peek at this website of emerging research is the relationship between hearing loss, zaroxolyn and lasix menopause and hormone therapy. Researchers are still teasing out how menopause affects hearing. The same is true of HT. Research with mice and preliminary zaroxolyn and lasix human studies suggest that taking estrogen can have protective effects on your hearing. However, an analysis with the largest data pool to date on the topic actually found the opposite.

So far studies have produced mix resultswhen looking at the impact of hormoneson hearing loss. If you don’t currently have hearing loss, HT could zaroxolyn and lasix increase your risk, according to a team led by Dr. Sharon Curhan, MD, a physician and epidemiologist at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston. This was true for both pills and patches, and for formulas with estrogen only or combined with progesterone. To get zaroxolyn and lasix down to the numbers.

When Curhan’s team analyzed data for more than 47,000 female nurses spanning 22 years, they concluded that a course of HT for five to ten years increased a woman's risk of hearing loss by 15 percent compared to a woman not taking HT. Risk increased the longer a woman stayed on HT. The analysis also found that women who undergo menopause at zaroxolyn and lasix an older age have a higher risk of hearing loss. How hearing and menopause are related You’ve probably heard that drops in estrogen can trigger symptoms like hot flashes. Estrogen, a hormone, plays a role throughout the body—in your muscles and bones, heart and brain as well as reproductive system.

Scientists know we have estrogen receptors in ear cells and in auditory pathways, but it’s still unknown exactly how estrogen zaroxolyn and lasix affects hearing. Sex hormone levels change during a menstrual cycle, and during menstruation, your hearing can become less sensitive. During perimenopause—the years before your ovaries stop releasing eggs and your period ends—your ovaries gradually produce less estrogen. In the last one to two years of perimenopause, zaroxolyn and lasix the drop in estrogen speeds up. After your period ends, typically after age 45, the ovaries produce little estrogen but you still get some from your adrenal glands and fat tissue.

As Curhan’s team reports, both human and animal studies have shown that low estrogen levels can impair hearing, possibly through alterations in blood flow to the cochlea, the hollow tube in the inner ear. A separate study that measured hearing and blood levels of estradiol (a form of estrogen) in 1,830 post-menopausal women found that the volunteers with less estradiol were more likely to have zaroxolyn and lasix hearing loss. Another key reproductive hormone, progesterone, begins to drop in your thirties. Progesterone, which regulates pregnancy, is the yin to estrogen’s yang. It reduces zaroxolyn and lasix receptor cells for estrogen.

Progesterone doesn’t affect the cochlea directly but it could by reducing estrogen receptors and therefore blood flow to the ear. Does the age when you hit menopause affect your hearing?. The link between low estrogen and impaired hearing suggests that women who arrive at menopause later, at 50 or older—51 is the average age of menopause in the United States—might have a lower risk of hearing loss zaroxolyn and lasix. After all, it would make sense that women who reach menopause sooner experienced earlier drops in estrogen. However, when Curhan’s team looked at a pool of data on nearly 81,000 nurses, the opposite was true.

The women with late natural zaroxolyn and lasix menopause surprisingly had a 10 percent higher chance of hearing loss. The reason for this finding is unclear, since we don’t have a full picture of all the factors that affect the age of menopause, Dr. Curhan told Healthy Hearing. Monitor your hearing zaroxolyn and lasix when starting hormone therapy If you are about to start hormone therapy Dr. Curhan suggests monitoring your hearing and taking HT only as long as needed.

Some women have reacted to HT with sudden hearing loss, tinnitus and vertigo. Contact your zaroxolyn and lasix provider right away if this happens to you. If you’re considering HT, you’re likely to be offered a combination with progestin (a medication like progesterone) if you still have your uterus. Estrogen alone could stimulate growth of the uterus lining and increases your risk of endometrial cancer, so it's more commonly used for women who have had a hysterectomy. If you zaroxolyn and lasix do opt for HT, Dr.

Curhan suggests monitoring your hearing and taking HT only as long as needed. Some people have reacted to HT with sudden hearing loss, tinnitus and vertigo. Tinnitus, zaroxolyn and lasix hormones and menopause Dr. Sharon Curhan The relationship between menopause, hormone replacement therapy and tinnitus is a topic that also needs more study. Some women may experience tinnitus when starting hormone therapy for perimenopause.

But studies zaroxolyn and lasix have also shown that hormone therapy can actually lower the rate of tinnitus in women who are perimenopausal. “We are looking forward to understanding more about risk factors for tinnitus,” Dr. Curhan told Healthy Hearing. She is studying its relation zaroxolyn and lasix to menopause and HT. So what can women do to protect their hearing?.

Diet, exercise, and maintaining a healthy weight all count. €œWe found zaroxolyn and lasix that people who ate diets that most closely resembled the Mediterranean or DASH [Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension] patterns had a substantially lower risk of hearing loss,” Dr. Curhan said. That means eating more fish, vegetables, and whole grains—and less meat and junk food. More.

How a healthy diet helps your hearing. Also be mindful of medications linked to hearing loss. Curhan’s research with the same big data pool found that using the over-the-counter pain-relievers ibuprofen and acetaminophen two or more times a week may be linked to hearing loss (aspirin is OK). But there was no tie to alcohol. Lastly, steer clear of loud or constant background noise, get your hearing checked and wear prescribed hearing aids regularly, and you’ll know you’ve done your best to prevent hearing loss as you age.hypertension medications, also known as the hypertension, has now been linked to many long-term complications, including heart damage, lung damage and neurological disorders.

One emerging area of research is whether hearing loss and tinnitus (ringing in the ears) can result from hypertension —either as a symptom or as a complication days or weeks later.We do know that many different types of viral and bacterial s can cause sudden hearing loss. But older hypertensiones that triggered epidemics, such as SARS and MERS, did not appear to cause hearing problems. What about hypertension, the current hypertension that's causing a global lasix?. We dive into the latest health care research on the topic, below. hypertension and hearing loss Sudden hearing loss as a symptom Based on published case reports, it appears that sudden hearing loss is rarely a symptom of hypertension onset.

In a June 2020 report, several Iranian patients reported hearing loss in one ear, as well as vertigo. In another report about sudden sensorineural hearing loss and hypertension medications, one Egyptian man with no other hypertension symptoms developed sudden hearing loss, and then tested positive for hypertension. But beyond those reports, not much has been published by researchers. Note. Sudden hearing loss is a medical emergency.

Seek medical attention if you experience sudden hearing loss in one ear. The faster you get treatment, the more likely you'll get your hearing back. Hearing loss as a complication of hypertension What does appear to be a little more common (though still rare) is developing hearing loss or tinnitus as a complication of hypertension medications , meaning it's not part of the initial onset of symptoms but develops later. In October 2020, for example, the medical journal BMJ Case Reports published a case study of a 45-year-old British man who developed tinnitus and sudden hearing loss in one ear after he became critically ill with hypertension medications. His hearing partially recovered after he received steroid treatment for the hearing loss.

While it's not possible to prove that hypertension medications directly caused his hearing loss, the study authors explained, it seems very likely this was the case, especially because he didn't receive any drugs that include hearing loss as a side effect (known as ototoxicity). "We suggest that patients are asked about hearing loss in [intensive care] when applicable, and any patient reporting acute hearing loss should be referred to otolaryngology on an emergency basis," the authors said. Overall, research shows that hearing loss and tinnitus are not common symptoms of hypertension medications . Nor are they considered common complications as the disease progresses. However, if you are positive for hypertension medications and experience sudden hearing loss, seek prompt medical care to increase your chance of getting your hearing back.

As well, autopsy reports have detected the lasix in the middle ear bones. And in this case report, a German man experienced acute profound hearing loss after developing hypertension medications pneumonia. Perhaps most enlightening so far are the results of a UK survey, which found that nearly 1 out of 10 hypertension patients self-reported either hearing loss or tinnitus 8 weeks later. That was surprising, the authors noted, but they also pointed out that the hearing loss and tinnitus could be unrelated or indirectly related (such as a medication side effect). In other words, more research on the long-term auditory consequences of hypertension is vitally needed.

"High-quality studies are needed to investigate the acute effects of hypertension medications, as well as for understanding long-term risks, on the audio-vestibular system," state the authors of a systematic review on this topic. Does hypertension medications damage the auditory system?. A very small study out of Israel examined 16 patients, half of whom had tested positive for hypertension medications and half who were not infected (the control group). They found no differences in the two groups when looking for signs of auditory nerve damage. The researchers used tests known as ototacoustic emissions (OAE) and auditory brainstem response (ABR) measurements to evaluate auditory function.

The study should be interpreted with caution, since there were only 16 people enrolled, and all of the hypertension patients were asymptomatic, meaning they never felt sick from the . The researchers are planning a much larger study that will include patients who developed severe hypertension medications complications. Hearing loss or tinnitus as a side effect of medication used to treat hypertension What is well-known. Some medications used to treat the hypertension carry a relatively high risk of hearing loss, ringing in the ears or vertigo and dizziness as a side effect. These drugs include quinine, cholorquine and hydroxychloroquine.

"These antiviral medications have known adverse events, including tinnitus and hearing loss, and the symptoms may be misdiagnosed as being caused by hypertension medications," stated the authors of the systematic review mentioned above.

One area of emerging research is the relationship between hearing loss, where to buy lasix online menopause and hormone therapy. Researchers are still teasing out how menopause affects hearing. The same is true of HT. Research with mice and preliminary human studies suggest that taking estrogen can have protective effects on where to buy lasix online your hearing.

However, an analysis with the largest data pool to date on the topic actually found the opposite. So far studies have produced mix resultswhen looking at the impact of hormoneson hearing loss. If you don’t currently have hearing loss, HT could increase your risk, according where to buy lasix online to a team led by Dr. Sharon Curhan, MD, a physician and epidemiologist at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston.

This was true for both pills and patches, and for formulas with estrogen only or combined with progesterone. To get down where to buy lasix online to the numbers. When Curhan’s team analyzed data for more than 47,000 female nurses spanning 22 years, they concluded that a course of HT for five to ten years increased a woman's risk of hearing loss by 15 percent compared to a woman not taking HT. Risk increased the longer a woman stayed on HT.

The analysis also found that women who undergo menopause at an older age have where to buy lasix online a higher risk of hearing loss. How hearing and menopause are related You’ve probably heard that drops in estrogen can trigger symptoms like hot flashes. Estrogen, a hormone, plays a role throughout the body—in your muscles and bones, heart and brain as well as reproductive system. Scientists know we have estrogen receptors in ear cells and where to buy lasix online in auditory pathways, but it’s still unknown exactly how estrogen affects hearing.

Sex hormone levels change during a menstrual cycle, and during menstruation, your hearing can become less sensitive. During perimenopause—the years before your ovaries stop releasing eggs and your period ends—your ovaries gradually produce less estrogen. In the last one to two years where to buy lasix online of perimenopause, the drop in estrogen speeds up. After your period ends, typically after age 45, the ovaries produce little estrogen but you still get some from your adrenal glands and fat tissue.

As Curhan’s team reports, both human and animal studies have shown that low estrogen levels can impair hearing, possibly through alterations in blood flow to the cochlea, the hollow tube in the inner ear. A separate where to buy lasix online study that measured hearing and blood levels of estradiol (a form of estrogen) in 1,830 post-menopausal women found that the volunteers with less estradiol were more likely to have hearing loss. Another key reproductive hormone, progesterone, begins to drop in your thirties. Progesterone, which regulates pregnancy, is the yin to estrogen’s yang.

It reduces receptor cells for where to buy lasix online estrogen. Progesterone doesn’t affect the cochlea directly but it could by reducing estrogen receptors and therefore blood flow to the ear. Does the age when you hit menopause affect your hearing?. The link between low estrogen and impaired hearing suggests that where to buy lasix online women who arrive at menopause later, at 50 or older—51 is the average age of menopause in the United States—might have a lower risk of hearing loss.

After all, it would make sense that women who reach menopause sooner experienced earlier drops in estrogen. However, when Curhan’s team looked at a pool of data on nearly 81,000 nurses, the opposite was true. The women with where to buy lasix online late natural menopause surprisingly had a 10 percent higher chance of hearing loss. The reason for this finding is unclear, since we don’t have a full picture of all the factors that affect the age of menopause, Dr.

Curhan told Healthy Hearing. Monitor your hearing when starting hormone therapy If you are about to start where to buy lasix online hormone therapy Dr. Curhan suggests monitoring your hearing and taking HT only as long as needed. Some women have reacted to HT with sudden hearing loss, tinnitus and vertigo.

Contact your provider where to buy lasix online right away if this happens to you. If you’re considering HT, you’re likely to be offered a combination with progestin (a medication like progesterone) if you still have your uterus. Estrogen alone could stimulate growth of the uterus lining and increases your risk of endometrial cancer, so it's more commonly used for women who have had a hysterectomy. If you do opt where to buy lasix online for HT, Dr.

Curhan suggests monitoring your hearing and taking HT only as long as needed. Some people have reacted to HT with sudden hearing loss, tinnitus and vertigo. Tinnitus, hormones and where to buy lasix online menopause Dr. Sharon Curhan The relationship between menopause, hormone replacement therapy and tinnitus is a topic that also needs more study.

Some women may experience tinnitus when starting hormone therapy for perimenopause. But studies have also shown that hormone therapy can actually lower the where to buy lasix online rate of tinnitus in women who are perimenopausal. “We are looking forward to understanding more about risk factors for tinnitus,” Dr. Curhan told Healthy Hearing.

She is how to get lasix without prescription studying its relation to menopause and where to buy lasix online HT. So what can women do to protect their hearing?. Diet, exercise, and maintaining a healthy weight all count. €œWe found that people who ate diets that where to buy lasix online most closely resembled the Mediterranean or DASH [Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension] patterns had a substantially lower risk of hearing loss,” Dr.

Curhan said. That means eating more fish, vegetables, and whole grains—and less meat and junk food. More. How a healthy diet helps your hearing.

Also be mindful of medications linked to hearing loss. Curhan’s research with the same big data pool found that using the over-the-counter pain-relievers ibuprofen and acetaminophen two or more times a week may be linked to hearing loss (aspirin is OK). But there was no tie to alcohol. Lastly, steer clear of loud or constant background noise, get your hearing checked and wear prescribed hearing aids regularly, and you’ll know you’ve done your best to prevent hearing loss as you age.hypertension medications, also known as the hypertension, has now been linked to many long-term complications, including heart damage, lung damage and neurological disorders.

One emerging area of research is whether hearing loss and tinnitus (ringing in the ears) can result from hypertension —either as a symptom or as a complication days or weeks later.We do know that many different types of viral and bacterial s can cause sudden hearing loss. But older hypertensiones that triggered epidemics, such as SARS and MERS, did not appear to cause hearing problems. What about hypertension, the current hypertension that's causing a global lasix?. We dive into the latest health care research on the topic, below.

hypertension and hearing loss Sudden hearing loss as a symptom Based on published case reports, it appears that sudden hearing loss is rarely a symptom of hypertension onset. In a June 2020 report, several Iranian patients reported hearing loss in one ear, as well as vertigo. In another report about sudden sensorineural hearing loss and hypertension medications, one Egyptian man with no other hypertension symptoms developed sudden hearing loss, and then tested positive for hypertension. But beyond those reports, not much has been published by researchers.

Note. Sudden hearing loss is a medical emergency. Seek medical attention if you experience sudden hearing loss in one ear. The faster you get treatment, the more likely you'll get your hearing back.

Hearing loss as a complication of hypertension What does appear to be a little more common (though still rare) is developing hearing loss or tinnitus as a complication of hypertension medications , meaning it's not part of the initial onset of symptoms but develops later. In October 2020, for example, the medical journal BMJ Case Reports published a case study of a 45-year-old British man who developed tinnitus and sudden hearing loss in one ear after he became critically ill with hypertension medications. His hearing partially recovered after he received steroid treatment for the hearing loss. While it's not possible to prove that hypertension medications directly caused his hearing loss, the study authors explained, it seems very likely this was the case, especially because he didn't receive any drugs that include hearing loss as a side effect (known as ototoxicity).

"We suggest that patients are asked about hearing loss in [intensive care] when applicable, and any patient reporting acute hearing loss should be referred to otolaryngology on an emergency basis," the authors said. Overall, research shows that hearing loss and tinnitus are not common symptoms of hypertension medications . Nor are they considered common complications as the disease progresses. However, if you are positive for hypertension medications and experience sudden hearing loss, seek prompt medical care to increase your chance of getting your hearing back.

As well, autopsy reports have detected the lasix in the middle ear bones. And in this case report, a German man experienced acute profound hearing loss after developing hypertension medications pneumonia. Perhaps most enlightening so far are the results of a UK survey, which found that nearly 1 out of 10 hypertension patients self-reported either hearing loss or tinnitus 8 weeks later. That was surprising, the authors noted, but they also pointed out that the hearing loss and tinnitus could be unrelated or indirectly related (such as a medication side effect).

In other words, more research on the long-term auditory consequences of hypertension is vitally needed. "High-quality studies are needed to investigate the acute effects of hypertension medications, as well as for understanding long-term risks, on the audio-vestibular system," state the authors of a systematic review on this topic. Does hypertension medications damage the auditory system?. A very small study out of Israel examined 16 patients, half of whom had tested positive for hypertension medications and half who were not infected (the control group).

They found no differences in the two groups when looking for signs of auditory nerve damage. The researchers used tests known as ototacoustic emissions (OAE) and auditory brainstem response (ABR) measurements to evaluate auditory function. The study should be interpreted with caution, since there were only 16 people enrolled, and all of the hypertension patients were asymptomatic, meaning they never felt sick from the . The researchers are planning a much larger study that will include patients who developed severe hypertension medications complications.

Hearing loss or tinnitus as a side effect of medication used to treat hypertension What is well-known. Some medications used to treat the hypertension carry a relatively high risk of hearing loss, ringing in the ears or vertigo and dizziness as a side effect. These drugs include quinine, cholorquine and hydroxychloroquine. "These antiviral medications have known adverse events, including tinnitus and hearing loss, and the symptoms may be misdiagnosed as being caused by hypertension medications," stated the authors of the systematic review mentioned above.

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Generic lasix identification

MISSOULA, Mont generic lasix identification €” There was something a little different on stage at a recent performance of the musical “Sister Amnesia’s Country Western Nunsense Jamboree,” the first production for the Missoula Community Theatre since the beginning of the lasix. All the actors wore clear face masks generic lasix identification.

That way, the audience could better see the actors’ expressions, which is “a pretty big deal in live theater,” said Jess Heuermann, who played Sister Mary Wilhelm in the show. Theater companies and musical ensembles looking to resume live performances are coming up with creative ways to make sure the show goes on safely, particularly in states that ban venues from imposing treatment or mask requirements. In states without such bans, productions can require generic lasix identification proof of treatments for cast, crew, administrative staffers and audience members to protect against transmission of the lasix that causes hypertension medications.

That’s what all 41 Broadway theaters in New York City have done. Other performers and venues are taking additional measures. The Chicago Symphony, for example, is for generic lasix identification now limiting performances to 90 minutes or less, with no intermission.

A Rock Hall, Maryland, venue left the first row of seats empty, in addition to requiring masks and proof of vaccination, for a recent musical performance. But raising the curtain has been more of a struggle in states like Montana, Florida and Texas, where the generic lasix identification politicization of public health measures has found its way inside theaters. EMAIL SIGN-Up Subscribe to California Healthline's free Daily Edition. Florida and Montana ban state and local governments from requiring masks, but private businesses and entities are allowed to do so.

Montana prohibits both private employers and government entities from “discrimination based on treatment status.” Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis barred businesses from requiring customers to generic lasix identification show proof that they’d been vaccinated against hypertension medications. In October, Texas Gov.

Greg Abbott banned private employers from issuing hypertension medications treatment mandates. Nine states — Arizona, Arkansas, Georgia, Indiana, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Tennessee and Utah — also have varied restrictions on requiring proof of generic lasix identification treatments. Some big-name performers are canceling shows over treatment or mask bans.

Singer Michael Bublé, for example, canceled a September show in Austin because the University of Texas arena generic lasix identification said it could not impose a treatment requirement for audience members. University officials said they were confident in their health and safety protocols. Country singer Travis Tritt took the opposite stance.

He canceled a series of shows at venues with mask and treatment mandates or “pushing testing protocols on generic lasix identification my fans.” Local troupes and performers who had been on a lasix hiatus don’t have that luxury. They must work with — or around — their state’s rules if they want to work at all. A survey by the advocacy group Americans for the Arts found 99% of nonprofit arts groups canceled events during the lasix, amounting to 557 million lost ticketed admissions as of July.

Though some losses generic lasix identification have been offset by federal aid, most arts groups and performers are reporting significant financial losses. In Montana, the Missoula Community Theatre has reduced capacity and eliminated assigned seating, allowing patrons to be spaced apart while still sitting next to their “bubble” of friends and family for performances. Some people who had lowered their masks after taking their seats raised them up again after an announcement just before the performance began that it was required.

€œPeople came to the theater tonight because they know the theater is trying to keep everyone safe,” said Paula Jones, a retired generic lasix identification nurse in attendance. But some theater operators seem anxious about scaring away potential patrons with such rules. For instance, the recently renovated Alberta Bair Theater in Billings, Montana, whose normal capacity is 1,376, recommends patrons wear masks but does generic lasix identification not require it.

In Florida, nine theaters in Sarasota, along with others in Miami and Tampa, joined to create a uniform set of requirements for theatergoers meant to get around that state’s ban on treatment mandates. Audience members must show proof of vaccination or proof of a negative hypertension medications test conducted less than 72 hours before any performance. Some people have complained about the policy to the Florida Department of Health, which can impose generic lasix identification a $5,000 daily fine for violators of the state’s treatment passport ban.

Department officials have not acted on those complaints, but one small Sarasota theater canceled a scheduled November show, saying it feared the owners of the small operation couldn’t afford any fines. Theater owners are also finding that a small percentage of people will resist their mask mandates, even after multiple reminders. If they try to impose a hypertension medications safety measure that isn’t barred by state law, individuals opposed to the rules generic lasix identification will ignore it.

€œIt’s like playing whack-a-mole,” said Rebecca Hopkins, managing director of the Florida Studio Theatre in Sarasota. €œAs soon as you walk away from some people, they generic lasix identification pull their masks down. We’ve had to tell people that ‘We’ve asked you three times politely that we require masks and if you can’t comply, you’ll have to go.’” In Utah, the 360 singers in the Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square in Salt Lake City are vaccinated, along with the orchestra and anybody else who enters the rehearsal and performance space.

A handful of singers declined vaccinations and were put on leave, according to choir president Michael Leavitt, the former Republican governor of Utah and President George W. Bush’s Health generic lasix identification and Human Services secretary. Additionally, every choir member is tested for hypertension medications before each rehearsal and performance.

Performers are instructed to stay home if experiencing possible hypertension medications symptoms, including sniffles. The choir generic lasix identification did, however, drop a mask mandate for singers during rehearsals after complaints that voices were being muffled. Mask-wearing is still required when the choir is not singing.

Orchestra members have the option to take off their masks while performing if they feel a mask inhibits their performance. Most important, Leavitt said, the choir, which still hasn’t generic lasix identification scheduled its first performance before an audience, is prepared to pull back rehearsals and performances if things go wrong. It hasn’t set rules for audiences when performances begin.

Some state lawmakers generic lasix identification have proposed blocking treatment mandates. €œI have used the analogy of walking into a newly frozen lake. Take one step at a time.

Listen for cracking and if we don’t hear any, we’ll generic lasix identification move forward. If we do, we’ll scamper back to shore,” Leavitt said. Jess Heuermann performs in a clear mask during Missoula Community Theatre’s production of “Sister Amnesia’s Country Western Nunsense Jamboree.” The entire cast wore clear masks so the audience could better see each actor’s expressions.

(Terri Elander) Since hypertension medications, performance groups generic lasix identification are relying increasingly on members with medical backgrounds to advise them how to perform safely. That person for the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra is Dr. Susan Ray, a hospital epidemiologist and a generic lasix identification soprano with the orchestra’s chorus.

Orchestra members now wear masks for both rehearsals and concerts. The choir is masked for rehearsals and plans to be masked for its first concert with the symphony, in December. The newly appointed conductor, Nathalie Stutzmann, does not wear a mask so she can better communicate with orchestra members, but is generic lasix identification tested daily for hypertension medications.

Ray is confident the orchestra is taking all the right steps to protect the choir audience, including a requirement that audience members show proof of vaccination or a negative hypertension medications test. €œBut I’m still nervous,” Ray said. €œWe have a lot of chorus members with gray hair, and not everyone is nice and thin.” generic lasix identification People 65 and older are among those more likely to experience serious medical issues from hypertension medications, and obesity increases the risk.

Researchers from the University of Colorado-Boulder and the University of Maryland recently advised that while masks reduce the flow of droplets for both singers and instrumentalists, the quality of the filtering material and fit are key components of effectiveness. They also found that the longer that musicians play and sing together, the greater the risk. They recommend breaks after rehearsing or performing for 30 minutes indoors and 60 generic lasix identification minutes outdoors.

And they also suggest leaving several feet of distance between musical instrument players and singers to reduce “aerosol flow.” “I want to acknowledge the courage of the music directors and the teachers to go ahead and follow our suggestions in the face of all of this adversity, fear and worry,” said Shelly Miller, co-author of the study and a professor of mechanical and environmental engineering at Colorado-Boulder. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says that more than 15 minutes of exposure in an enclosed generic lasix identification space with poor ventilation in which an infectious person is shouting, singing or exercising can increase the risk of transmitting the lasix. Some college students hoping to prepare for future employment in the arts worried that canceled classes and performances due to hypertension medications might limit their future opportunities.

Lauren Bergen, 22, a senior theater student at Wagner College in Staten Island, New York, was so worried that she took the 2020-21 academic year off because of “so much potential for things to go wrong.” Now, she’s back acting in Wagner College theater productions, and the school is following the same safety protocols required for Broadway shows. Bergen’s first fall semester show was “Small Mouth Sounds,” a play chosen, in part, because it required actors to be “mostly silent,” according to Felicia Ruff, a Wagner College theater generic lasix identification professor. €œWe’ve very strategic in selecting shows that can be done safely,” Ruff said.

This story was produced by KHN (Kaiser Health News), a national newsroom that produces in-depth journalism about health issues. Together with Policy Analysis and Polling, KHN is one of the three major operating programs at KFF generic lasix identification (Kaiser Family Foundation). KFF is an endowed nonprofit organization providing information on health issues to the nation.

Related Topics Contact Us Submit a Story TipBatson’s Drug Store seems like a throwback to a generic lasix identification simpler time. The independently owned pharmacy in Howard, Kansas, still runs an old-fashioned soda counter and hand-dips ice cream. But the drugstore, the only one in the entire county, teeters on the edge between nostalgia and extinction.

Julie Perkins, pharmacist and owner of Batson’s, graduated from the local high school and returned after pharmacy school to buy the generic lasix identification drugstore more than two decades ago. She and her husband bought the grocery store next door in 2006 to help diversify revenue and put the pharmacy on firmer footing. But with the lasix exacerbating the competitive pressures from large retail chains, which can operate at lower prices, and from pharmaceutical intermediaries, which can impose high fees retroactively, Perkins wonders how long her business can remain viable.

She worries about what will happen to her customers if she generic lasix identification can’t keep the pharmacy running. Elk County, with a population of 2,500, has no hospital and only a couple of doctors, so residents must travel more than an hour to Wichita for anything beyond primary care. €œThat’s why I hang on,” Perkins said.

€œThese people have relied on the store from way before I was even here.” Corner pharmacies, once widespread in large cities and rural hamlets alike, are disappearing from many areas of the country, leaving an estimated 41 million Americans in what are known generic lasix identification as drugstore deserts, without easy access to pharmacies. An analysis by GoodRx, an online drug price comparison tool, found that 12% of Americans have to drive more than 15 minutes to reach the closest pharmacy or don’t have enough pharmacies nearby to meet demand. That includes majorities of people in more than 40% generic lasix identification of counties.

From 2003 to 2018, 1,231 of the nation’s 7,624 independent rural pharmacies closed, according to the University of Iowa’s Rural Policy Research Institute, leaving 630 communities with no independent or chain retail drugstore. Independent pharmacies are struggling due to the vertical integration among drugstore chains, insurance companies and pharmaceutical benefit managers, which gives those companies market power that community drugstores can’t match. Insurers also have ratcheted down what they will pay for prescription drugs, squeezing margins to levels generic lasix identification that pharmacists call unsustainable.

As the insurers’ drug plans steered patients to their affiliated drugstores, independent shops watched their customers drift away. They find themselves at the mercy of pharmaceutical intermediaries, which claw back pharmacy revenue through retroactive fees and aggressive audits, leaving local pharmacists unsure if they’ll end the year in the black. That has a direct impact on customers, particularly older ones, who face higher generic lasix identification copays for prescription medications if they have a drug plan, and higher list prices if they don’t.

If their local pharmacy can’t survive, they may be forced to travel long distances to the nearest drugstore or endure waits to get their prescriptions from understaffed pharmacies serving more and more patients. EMAIL SIGN-Up Subscribe to California Healthline's free Daily Edition. “Living in generic lasix identification an area with low pharmacy density could increase wait times, decrease supply, and make it harder to shop around for prescription medications,” said Tori Marsh, GoodRx’s lead researcher on the drugstore desert study. The financial pressures on independent drugstores began mounting two decades ago when Medicare instituted its Part D program using private insurance plans.

Pharmacies’ most frequent customers went from paying cash for list prices to using insurance coverage that paid lower negotiated rates. €œA market clearance occurred, a big bolus of pharmacy closures,” said Keith Mueller, director of the generic lasix identification Rural Policy Research Institute. Independent pharmacies saw their margins shrink.

On average, a pharmacy’s cost of dispensing a single prescription, factoring in labor, rent, utilities and other overhead, ranges from $9 to $15. But the reimbursement generic lasix identification is often far less. As a lifelong resident of Elk County seat Howard, population 650, Perkins knows pretty much everyone there.

(Gavin Peters for KHN) Multiple pharmacists said that about half of drug plan reimbursements fail to cover the costs of drugs and their overhead. €œWhat you’re left with is that 50% of claims that you can make some money on, and really, the tiny generic lasix identification percentage of claims where you make an extremely high amount of money,” said Nate Hux, who owns an independent pharmacy in Pickerington, Ohio. It’s that tiny sliver of wildly overpaid drugs, especially generics, that determines whether a pharmacy can survive.

A generic drug that costs $4 might get reimbursed by generic lasix identification a drug plan at $4,000. €œFilling a generic prescription, from a financial standpoint, is like pulling the slots at a casino,” said Ben Jolley, an independent pharmacist in Salt Lake City. €œSometimes you lose a quarter, sometimes you lose a buck, and sometimes you make $500.

But you have to have those prescriptions that you make $500 generic lasix identification on to make up for the losses on the rest of your meds.” Some pharmacies increase their list prices to ensure they capture the highest reimbursements that drug plans are willing to pay. But that raises prices for patients paying cash. Jolley, who also works as a consultant for pharmacies across the country, said some pharmacists game the system by billing excessive charges for drugs they mix on-site or calling physicians to switch patients to more profitable drugs.

€œPharmacies that play this game get exceptionally wealthy,” he generic lasix identification said. €œMost pharmacies either don’t feel comfortable playing this game or aren’t aware that that’s how the system works, so they get left behind. That’s why you see all these pharmacies closing.” Perkins makes a cherry limeade for a customer generic lasix identification at Batson’s old-fashioned soda counter.

(Gavin Peters for KHN) She has tried to diversify her drugstore’s offerings — and bought the grocery store next door — to keep Batson’s on firmer footing. It is the last drugstore in Elk County. (Gavin Peters for KHN) Pharmacy benefit managers, brokers known as PBMs, also steer customers away from independent pharmacies to generic lasix identification affiliated chain, mail-order or specialty pharmacies with lower out-of-pockets costs.

Some PBMs prevent local pharmacies from offering the most expensive drugs at all. The benefit managers counter that there are more independent pharmacies today than there were 10 years ago. An analysis conducted on behalf of the Pharmaceutical generic lasix identification Care Management Association, a trade group that represents pharmacy benefit managers, showed a 13% increase in the number of independently owned pharmacies from 2010 to 2019.

However, many of those new stores opened in communities that already had pharmacies. €œPBMs are not seeking to put independent pharmacies out of business,” said Greg Lopes, a spokesperson for the trade group. €œPBMs are generic lasix identification trying and often succeeding in lowering drug costs.” The insurers’ trade group, AHIP, formerly America’s Health Insurance Plans, declined to comment.

Katie Koziara, a spokesperson for the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America, an industry group representing drugmakers, said the large market power of PBMs can leave patients with fewer choices. €œThe system might work well for health plans and these middlemen, but it creates difficult generic lasix identification access barriers for vulnerable patients,” Koziara said. €œWe’re concerned about the emerging issue of ‘pharmacy deserts’ where patients, particularly among communities of color, cannot readily access a community pharmacy for their medications.” Independent pharmacists routinely identify those middle-manager companies as the leading cause of their troubles.

At Batson’s drugstore in rural Kansas, Perkins recently had a customer who had been taking Emgality, an injectable monoclonal antibody treatment for migraines made by Eli Lilly and Co., that typically retails for up to $760 a month. But the customer’s drug plan wouldn’t pay Batson’s to fill it, forcing her generic lasix identification to wait until it could be mailed from a specialty pharmacy. Frustratingly, Perkins said, patients who get pushed to order drugs by mail often bring them to her when they need help deciphering how to use them.

Even when pharmacies make money on a prescription, there’s no guarantee they can keep much of the profit. Drug plans charge pharmacies fees generic lasix identification every time they need to interact with the PBM’s claims database. While those fees average only 10 to 15 cents per transaction, a busy pharmacy might need to check the database hundreds of times a day.

[embedded content] PBMs also have implemented retroactive generic lasix identification fees based on performance metrics they set. Pharmacies can wind up losing money on a prescription filled months earlier. PBMs describe these as quality measures, but pharmacists complain they are more about sales volume.

Many of the metrics track how diligently patients take their medication, which pharmacies generic lasix identification can hardly control. One PBM’s contract, obtained by Axios, showed only 1% of pharmacies are able to avoid retroactive fees. Jeff Olson, who owns three rural pharmacies in Iowa, said he paid $52,000 in retroactive fees on revenue of $6 million in 2015.

While his annual revenue remained flat through 2020, those retroactive fees last generic lasix identification year totaled $225,000. €œThat’s money that can’t be used for payroll, that can’t be used to add those other services that your community needs,” Olson said. Moreover, Olson said, he doesn’t know what metrics insurance plans use to evaluate his performance and calculate the fees.

€œThey define quality themselves,” said Ronna generic lasix identification Hauser, vice president of pharmacy affairs for the National Community Pharmacists Association. €œIf you have 20 Part D plans you contract with, that’s 20 different quality programs that you’re supposed to be aware of and keep up with.” According to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, such retroactive fees were 915 times as high in 2019 as in 2010. The resulting higher prices mean Medicare generic lasix identification beneficiaries burn through their initial coverage period faster and enter a coverage gap, or “doughnut hole,” sooner.

At Olson’s pharmacy in St. Charles, Iowa, a town of fewer than 1,000 people, fees and other financial pressures forced Olson to scale back and operate the store as a telepharmacy. Technicians fill prescriptions under the eye of an off-site pharmacist, and customers see a generic lasix identification pharmacist only one day a week.

For a town with no other health care provider, that means six days when no one can provide vaccinations or test for strep throat. €œThese people have relied on the store from way before I was even here,” Perkins says. €œThat’s why I hang on.”(Gavin Peters for KHN) Back in Howard, Debbie Lane, 70, likes the personal generic lasix identification service Perkins offers at Batson’s.

€œIt’s a lot easier to go down to a local store, and if it happens to be after hours or an emergency, she’ll open up for us,” Lane said. Perkins will tell her generic lasix identification if Lane can save money by driving to a chain drugstore in Wichita instead. And, recently, Perkins ran the numbers to help Lane decide which Medicare plan would be the least expensive given the medications she takes.

Lane knows it’s a struggle to keep a small-town pharmacy open and fears what might happen if Batson’s closed. €œIt’d be devastating,” generic lasix identification Lane said. €œThere are a lot of us like me, who will sometimes pay a little extra to make sure that Julie stays in business.” This story was produced by KHN (Kaiser Health News), a national newsroom that produces in-depth journalism about health issues.

Together with Policy Analysis and Polling, KHN is one of the three major operating programs at KFF (Kaiser Family Foundation). KFF is an endowed nonprofit organization providing information on health issues to the nation. Markian Hawryluk., @MarkianHawryluk Related Topics Contact Us Submit a Story Tip.

MISSOULA, Mont where to buy lasix online lasix 40mg price. €” There was something a little different on stage at a recent performance of the musical “Sister Amnesia’s Country Western Nunsense Jamboree,” the first production for the Missoula Community Theatre since the beginning of the lasix. All the actors wore clear face masks where to buy lasix online. That way, the audience could better see the actors’ expressions, which is “a pretty big deal in live theater,” said Jess Heuermann, who played Sister Mary Wilhelm in the show. Theater companies and musical ensembles looking to resume live performances are coming up with creative ways to make sure the show goes on safely, particularly in states that ban venues from imposing treatment or mask requirements.

In states without such bans, productions can require proof of treatments for cast, crew, administrative staffers and audience members to protect where to buy lasix online against transmission of the lasix that causes hypertension medications. That’s what all 41 Broadway theaters in New York City have done. Other performers and venues are taking additional measures. The Chicago Symphony, for example, is where to buy lasix online for now limiting performances to 90 minutes or less, with no intermission. A Rock Hall, Maryland, venue left the first row of seats empty, in addition to requiring masks and proof of vaccination, for a recent musical performance.

But raising the curtain has been more of a struggle in states like Montana, Florida and Texas, where the politicization of public health measures has found its way inside where to buy lasix online theaters. EMAIL SIGN-Up Subscribe to California Healthline's free Daily Edition. Florida and Montana ban state and local governments from requiring masks, but private businesses and entities are allowed to do so. Montana prohibits both private employers and government entities from “discrimination based on treatment status.” Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis where to buy lasix online barred businesses from requiring customers to show proof that they’d been vaccinated against hypertension medications. In October, Texas Gov.

Greg Abbott banned private employers from issuing hypertension medications treatment mandates. Nine states — Arizona, Arkansas, Georgia, Indiana, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Oklahoma, where to buy lasix online Tennessee and Utah — also have varied restrictions on requiring proof of treatments. Some big-name performers are canceling shows over treatment or mask bans. Singer Michael Bublé, for example, canceled a September show where to buy lasix online in Austin because the University of Texas arena said it could not impose a treatment requirement for audience members. University officials said they were confident in their health and safety protocols.

Country singer Travis Tritt took the opposite stance. He canceled a series where to buy lasix online of shows at venues with mask and treatment mandates or “pushing testing protocols on my fans.” Local troupes and performers who had been on a lasix hiatus don’t have that luxury. They must work with — or around — their state’s rules if they want to work at all. A survey by the advocacy group Americans for the Arts found 99% of nonprofit arts groups canceled events during the lasix, amounting to 557 million lost ticketed admissions as of July. Though some losses have been offset by federal aid, most arts where to buy lasix online groups and performers are reporting significant financial losses.

In Montana, the Missoula Community Theatre has reduced capacity and eliminated assigned seating, allowing patrons to be spaced apart while still sitting next to their “bubble” of friends and family for performances. Some people who had lowered their masks after taking their seats raised them up again after an announcement just before the performance began that it was required. €œPeople came to the theater tonight because they know the theater is trying to keep everyone safe,” where to buy lasix online said Paula Jones, a retired nurse in attendance. But some theater operators seem anxious about scaring away potential patrons with such rules. For instance, the recently renovated Alberta where to buy lasix online Bair Theater in Billings, Montana, whose normal capacity is 1,376, recommends patrons wear masks but does not require it.

In Florida, nine theaters in Sarasota, along with others in Miami and Tampa, joined to create a uniform set of requirements for theatergoers meant to get around that state’s ban on treatment mandates. Audience members must show proof of vaccination or proof of a negative hypertension medications test conducted less than 72 hours before any performance. Some people have complained about the policy to the where to buy lasix online Florida Department of Health, which can impose a $5,000 daily fine for violators of the state’s treatment passport ban. Department officials have not acted on those complaints, but one small Sarasota theater canceled a scheduled November show, saying it feared the owners of the small operation couldn’t afford any fines. Theater owners are also finding that a small percentage of people will resist their mask mandates, even after multiple reminders.

If they try where to buy lasix online to impose a hypertension medications safety measure that isn’t barred by state law, individuals opposed to the rules will ignore it. €œIt’s like playing whack-a-mole,” said Rebecca Hopkins, managing director of the Florida Studio Theatre in Sarasota. €œAs soon as you where to buy lasix online walk away from some people, they pull their masks down. We’ve had to tell people that ‘We’ve asked you three times politely that we require masks and if you can’t comply, you’ll have to go.’” In Utah, the 360 singers in the Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square in Salt Lake City are vaccinated, along with the orchestra and anybody else who enters the rehearsal and performance space. A handful of singers declined vaccinations and were put on leave, according to choir president Michael Leavitt, the former Republican governor of Utah and President George W.

Bush’s Health and Human where to buy lasix online Services secretary. Additionally, every choir member is tested for hypertension medications before each rehearsal and performance. Performers are instructed to stay home if experiencing possible hypertension medications symptoms, including sniffles. The choir did, however, drop a mask mandate for singers during rehearsals where to buy lasix online after complaints that voices were being muffled. Mask-wearing is still required when the choir is not singing.

Orchestra members have the option to take off their masks while performing if they feel a mask inhibits their performance. Most important, Leavitt where to buy lasix online said, the choir, which still hasn’t scheduled its first performance before an audience, is prepared to pull back rehearsals and performances if things go wrong. It hasn’t set rules for audiences when performances begin. Some state where to buy lasix online lawmakers have proposed blocking treatment mandates. €œI have used the analogy of walking into a newly frozen lake.

Take one step at a time. Listen for cracking where to buy lasix online and if we don’t hear any, we’ll move forward. If we do, we’ll scamper back to shore,” Leavitt said. Jess Heuermann performs in a clear mask during Missoula Community Theatre’s production of “Sister Amnesia’s Country Western Nunsense Jamboree.” The entire cast wore clear masks so the audience could better see each actor’s expressions. (Terri Elander) Since hypertension medications, performance groups are relying increasingly on members where to buy lasix online with medical backgrounds to advise them how to perform safely.

That person for the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra is Dr. Susan Ray, a where to buy lasix online hospital epidemiologist and a soprano with the orchestra’s chorus. Orchestra members now wear masks for both rehearsals and concerts. The choir is masked for rehearsals and plans to be masked for its first concert with the symphony, in December. The newly appointed where to buy lasix online conductor, Nathalie Stutzmann, does not wear a mask so she can better communicate with orchestra members, but is tested daily for hypertension medications.

Ray is confident the orchestra is taking all the right steps to protect the choir audience, including a requirement that audience members show proof of vaccination or a negative hypertension medications test. €œBut I’m still nervous,” Ray said. €œWe have a lot of chorus members with gray hair, and not everyone is nice and thin.” People where to buy lasix online 65 and older are among those more likely to experience serious medical issues from hypertension medications, and obesity increases the risk. Researchers from the University of Colorado-Boulder and the University of Maryland recently advised that while masks reduce the flow of droplets for both singers and instrumentalists, the quality of the filtering material and fit are key components of effectiveness. They also found that the longer that musicians play and sing together, the greater the risk.

They recommend breaks where to buy lasix online after rehearsing or performing for 30 minutes indoors and 60 minutes outdoors. And they also suggest leaving several feet of distance between musical instrument players and singers to reduce “aerosol flow.” “I want to acknowledge the courage of the music directors and the teachers to go ahead and follow our suggestions in the face of all of this adversity, fear and worry,” said Shelly Miller, co-author of the study and a professor of mechanical and environmental engineering at Colorado-Boulder. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says that more than 15 minutes of exposure in an enclosed space with poor ventilation in which an infectious person is shouting, singing or exercising where to buy lasix online can increase the risk of transmitting the lasix. Some college students hoping to prepare for future employment in the arts worried that canceled classes and performances due to hypertension medications might limit their future opportunities. Lauren Bergen, 22, a senior theater student at Wagner College in Staten Island, New York, was so worried that she took the 2020-21 academic year off because of “so much potential for things to go wrong.” Now, she’s back acting in Wagner College theater productions, and the school is following the same safety protocols required for Broadway shows.

Bergen’s first fall semester show was “Small Mouth Sounds,” a where to buy lasix online play chosen, in part, because it required actors to be “mostly silent,” according to Felicia Ruff, a Wagner College theater professor. €œWe’ve very strategic in selecting shows that can be done safely,” Ruff said. This story was produced by KHN (Kaiser Health News), a national newsroom that produces in-depth journalism about health issues. Together with Policy Analysis and Polling, KHN is one of the three major operating programs at KFF where to buy lasix online (Kaiser Family Foundation). KFF is an endowed nonprofit organization providing information on health issues to the nation.

Related Topics Contact Us Submit a Story TipBatson’s Drug Store seems like a throwback to a simpler where to buy lasix online time. The independently owned pharmacy in Howard, Kansas, still runs an old-fashioned soda counter and hand-dips ice cream. But the drugstore, the only one in the entire county, teeters on the edge between nostalgia and extinction. Julie Perkins, pharmacist and owner of Batson’s, where to buy lasix online graduated from the local high school and returned after pharmacy school to buy the drugstore more than two decades ago. She and her husband bought the grocery store next door in 2006 to help diversify revenue and put the pharmacy on firmer footing.

But with the lasix exacerbating the competitive pressures from large retail chains, which can operate at lower prices, and from pharmaceutical intermediaries, which can impose high fees retroactively, Perkins wonders how long her business can remain viable. She worries about where to buy lasix online what will happen to her customers if she can’t keep the pharmacy running. Elk County, with a population of 2,500, has no hospital and only a couple of doctors, so residents must travel more than an hour to Wichita for anything beyond primary care. €œThat’s why I hang on,” Perkins said. €œThese people have relied on the store from way before I was even here.” Corner pharmacies, once widespread in large cities and rural hamlets alike, are disappearing from many areas of the country, leaving an estimated 41 million Americans in what are known as drugstore deserts, where to buy lasix online without easy access to pharmacies.

An analysis by GoodRx, an online drug price comparison tool, found that 12% of Americans have to drive more than 15 minutes to reach the closest pharmacy or don’t have enough pharmacies nearby to meet demand. That includes majorities of where to buy lasix online people in more than 40% of counties. From 2003 to 2018, 1,231 of the nation’s 7,624 independent rural pharmacies closed, according to the University of Iowa’s Rural Policy Research Institute, leaving 630 communities with no independent or chain retail drugstore. Independent pharmacies are struggling due to the vertical integration among drugstore chains, insurance companies and pharmaceutical benefit managers, which gives those companies market power that community drugstores can’t match. Insurers also have ratcheted down what they will pay for prescription drugs, squeezing margins to levels that pharmacists where to buy lasix online call unsustainable.

As the insurers’ drug plans steered patients to their affiliated drugstores, independent shops watched their customers drift away. They find themselves at the mercy of pharmaceutical intermediaries, which claw back pharmacy revenue through retroactive fees and aggressive audits, leaving local pharmacists unsure if they’ll end the year in the black. That has a direct impact on customers, particularly older ones, who face higher copays for prescription medications if they have a drug plan, and higher list prices if they where to buy lasix online don’t. If their local pharmacy can’t survive, they may be forced to travel long distances to the nearest drugstore or endure waits to get their prescriptions from understaffed pharmacies serving more and more patients. EMAIL SIGN-Up Subscribe to California Healthline's free Daily Edition. “Living in an area with low pharmacy density could increase wait times, decrease supply, and make it harder to shop around for prescription medications,” said Tori where to buy lasix online Marsh, GoodRx’s lead researcher on the drugstore desert study.

The financial pressures on independent drugstores began mounting two decades ago when Medicare instituted its Part D program using private insurance plans. Pharmacies’ most frequent customers went from paying cash for list prices to using insurance coverage that paid lower negotiated rates. €œA market clearance occurred, where to buy lasix online a big bolus of pharmacy closures,” said Keith Mueller, director of the Rural Policy Research Institute. Independent pharmacies saw their margins shrink. On average, a pharmacy’s cost of dispensing a single prescription, factoring in labor, rent, utilities and other overhead, ranges from $9 to $15.

But the reimbursement where to buy lasix online is often far less. As a lifelong resident of Elk County seat Howard, population 650, Perkins knows pretty much everyone there. (Gavin Peters for KHN) Multiple pharmacists said that about half of drug plan reimbursements fail to cover the costs of drugs and their overhead. €œWhat you’re left with is that where to buy lasix online 50% of claims that you can make some money on, and really, the tiny percentage of claims where you make an extremely high amount of money,” said Nate Hux, who owns an independent pharmacy in Pickerington, Ohio. It’s that tiny sliver of wildly overpaid drugs, especially generics, that determines whether a pharmacy can survive.

A generic drug that where to buy lasix online costs $4 might get reimbursed by a drug plan at $4,000. €œFilling a generic prescription, from a financial standpoint, is like pulling the slots at a casino,” said Ben Jolley, an independent pharmacist in Salt Lake City. €œSometimes you lose a quarter, sometimes you lose a buck, and sometimes you make $500. But you have to have those prescriptions that you make $500 on to make up for the losses on the rest of your meds.” Some pharmacies increase their list prices to ensure they capture the highest reimbursements that drug plans where to buy lasix online are willing to pay. But that raises prices for patients paying cash.

Jolley, who also works as a consultant for pharmacies across the country, said some pharmacists game the system by billing excessive charges for drugs they mix on-site or calling physicians to switch patients to more profitable drugs. €œPharmacies that play this game get exceptionally wealthy,” where to buy lasix online he said. €œMost pharmacies either don’t feel comfortable playing this game or aren’t aware that that’s how the system works, so they get left behind. That’s why you see all these where to buy lasix online pharmacies closing.” Perkins makes a cherry limeade for a customer at Batson’s old-fashioned soda counter. (Gavin Peters for KHN) She has tried to diversify her drugstore’s offerings — and bought the grocery store next door — to keep Batson’s on firmer footing.

It is the last drugstore in Elk County. (Gavin Peters for KHN) Pharmacy benefit managers, brokers known as PBMs, also steer customers away from independent pharmacies to affiliated chain, mail-order or specialty pharmacies with where to buy lasix online lower out-of-pockets costs. Some PBMs prevent local pharmacies from offering the most expensive drugs at all. The benefit managers counter that there are more independent pharmacies today than there were 10 years ago. An analysis conducted on behalf of the Pharmaceutical Care Management Association, a trade group that represents pharmacy benefit managers, showed a 13% increase in the where to buy lasix online number of independently owned pharmacies from 2010 to 2019.

However, many of those new stores opened in communities that already had pharmacies. €œPBMs are not seeking to put independent pharmacies out of business,” said Greg Lopes, a spokesperson for the trade group. €œPBMs are trying and often succeeding in lowering drug costs.” The insurers’ trade group, AHIP, formerly America’s Health Insurance where to buy lasix online Plans, declined to comment. Katie Koziara, a spokesperson for the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America, an industry group representing drugmakers, said the large market power of PBMs can leave patients with fewer choices. €œThe system might work well for health plans and these middlemen, where to buy lasix online but it creates difficult access barriers for vulnerable patients,” Koziara said.

€œWe’re concerned about the emerging issue of ‘pharmacy deserts’ where patients, particularly among communities of color, cannot readily access a community pharmacy for their medications.” Independent pharmacists routinely identify those middle-manager companies as the leading cause of their troubles. At Batson’s drugstore in rural Kansas, Perkins recently had a customer who had been taking Emgality, an injectable monoclonal antibody treatment for migraines made by Eli Lilly and Co., that typically retails for up to $760 a month. But the customer’s drug plan wouldn’t pay Batson’s to fill it, forcing her to wait until it could be mailed where to buy lasix online from a specialty pharmacy. Frustratingly, Perkins said, patients who get pushed to order drugs by mail often bring them to her when they need help deciphering how to use them. Even when pharmacies make money on a prescription, there’s no guarantee they can keep much of the profit.

Drug plans where to buy lasix online charge pharmacies fees every time they need to interact with the PBM’s claims database. While those fees average only 10 to 15 cents per transaction, a busy pharmacy might need to check the database hundreds of times a day. [embedded content] PBMs also have implemented retroactive fees based on where to buy lasix online performance metrics they set. Pharmacies can wind up losing money on a prescription filled months earlier. PBMs describe these as quality measures, but pharmacists complain they are more about sales volume.

Many of the metrics track where to buy lasix online how diligently patients take their medication, which pharmacies can hardly control. One PBM’s contract, obtained by Axios, showed only 1% of pharmacies are able to avoid retroactive fees. Jeff Olson, who owns three rural pharmacies in Iowa, said he paid $52,000 in retroactive fees on revenue of $6 million in 2015. While his annual revenue where to buy lasix online remained flat through 2020, those retroactive fees last year totaled $225,000. €œThat’s money that can’t be used for payroll, that can’t be used to add those other services that your community needs,” Olson said.

Moreover, Olson said, he doesn’t know what metrics insurance plans use to evaluate his performance and calculate the fees. €œThey define quality themselves,” said Ronna Hauser, vice president of pharmacy affairs for the National where to buy lasix online Community Pharmacists Association. €œIf you have 20 Part D plans you contract with, that’s 20 different quality programs that you’re supposed to be aware of and keep up with.” According to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, such retroactive fees were 915 times as high in 2019 as in 2010. The resulting higher prices mean Medicare beneficiaries burn through their initial coverage period faster and enter a coverage where to buy lasix online gap, or “doughnut hole,” sooner. At Olson’s pharmacy in St.

Charles, Iowa, a town of fewer than 1,000 people, fees and other financial pressures forced Olson to scale back and operate the store as a telepharmacy. Technicians fill prescriptions under the eye of an where to buy lasix online off-site pharmacist, and customers see a pharmacist only one day a week. For a town with no other health care provider, that means six days when no one can provide vaccinations or test for strep throat. €œThese people have relied on the store from way before I was even here,” Perkins says. €œThat’s why I hang on.”(Gavin Peters for KHN) Back in Howard, Debbie Lane, where to buy lasix online 70, likes the personal service Perkins offers at Batson’s.

€œIt’s a lot easier to go down to a local store, and if it happens to be after hours or an emergency, she’ll open up for us,” Lane said. Perkins will where to buy lasix online tell her if Lane can save money by driving to a chain drugstore in Wichita instead. And, recently, Perkins ran the numbers to help Lane decide which Medicare plan would be the least expensive given the medications she takes. Lane knows it’s a struggle to keep a small-town pharmacy open and fears what might happen if Batson’s closed. €œIt’d be where to buy lasix online devastating,” Lane said.

€œThere are a lot of us like me, who will sometimes pay a little extra to make sure that Julie stays in business.” This story was produced by KHN (Kaiser Health News), a national newsroom that produces in-depth journalism about health issues. Together with Policy Analysis and Polling, KHN is one of the three major operating programs at KFF (Kaiser Family Foundation). KFF is an endowed nonprofit organization providing information on health issues to the nation. Markian Hawryluk., @MarkianHawryluk Related Topics Contact Us Submit a Story Tip.

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Vitamin D deficiency strongly exaggerates the craving for and effects of opioids, potentially increasing the risk for dependence and addiction, according to a new study led by adverse side effects of lasix researchers at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH). These findings, published in Science Advances, suggest that addressing the common problem of vitamin D deficiency with inexpensive supplements could play a part in combating the ongoing scourge of opioid addiction.Earlier work by David E. Fisher, MD, PhD, adverse side effects of lasix director of the Mass General Cancer Center's Melanoma Program and director of MGH's Cutaneous Biology Research Center (CBRC), laid the foundation for the current study. In 2007, Fisher and his team found something unexpected. Exposure to uaviolet (UV) rays (specifically the form called UVB), causes the skin to produce the hormone endorphin, which is chemically related to morphine, heroin and other opioids -- in fact, all adverse side effects of lasix activate the same receptors in the brain.

A subsequent study by Fisher found that UV exposure raises endorphin levels in mice, which then display behavior consistent with opioid addiction.Endorphin is sometimes called a "feel good" hormone because it induces a sense of mild euphoria. Studies have suggested that some people develop urges to sunbathe and visit tanning salons that mirror the behaviors of opioid adverse side effects of lasix addicts. Fisher and his colleagues speculated that people may seek out UVB because they unknowingly crave the endorphin rush. But that adverse side effects of lasix suggests a major contradiction. "Why would we evolve to be behaviorally drawn towards the most common carcinogen that exists?.

" asked adverse side effects of lasix Fisher. After all, sun exposure is the primary cause of skin cancer, to say nothing of wrinkles and other skin damage.Fisher believes that the only explanation for why humans and other animals seek out the sun is that exposure to UV radiation is necessary for production of vitamin D, which our bodies can't formulate on their own. Vitamin D promotes uptake of calcium, which is essential for building bone. As tribes of humans migrated north during prehistoric times, an evolutionary alteration might have been needed to compel them to step out of caves adverse side effects of lasix and into the sunshine on bitterly cold days. Otherwise, small children would have died of prolonged vitamin D deficiency (the cause of rickets) and weak bones might have shattered when people ran from predators, leaving them vulnerable.This theory led Fisher and colleagues to hypothesize that sun seeking is driven by vitamin D deficiency, with the goal of increasing synthesis of the hormone for survival, and that vitamin D deficiency might also make the body more sensitive to the effects of opioids, potentially contributing to addiction.

"Our goal in this study was adverse side effects of lasix to understand the relationship between vitamin D signaling in the body and UV-seeking and opioid-seeking behaviors," says lead author Lajos V. Kemény, MD, PhD, a postdoctoral research fellow in Dermatology at MGH.In the Science Advances paper, Fisher, Kemény and a multidisciplinary team from several institutions addressed the question from dual perspectives. In one arm of the study, they compared normal laboratory mice with mice that were adverse side effects of lasix deficient in vitamin D (either through special breeding or by removing vitamin D from their diets). "We found that modulating vitamin D levels changes multiple addictive behaviors to both UV and opioids," says Kemény. Importantly, when the mice were conditioned with modest doses of morphine, those deficient in vitamin D continued seeking adverse side effects of lasix out the drug, behavior that was less common among the normal mice.

When morphine was withdrawn, the mice with low vitamin D levels were far more likely to develop withdrawal symptoms.The study also found that morphine worked more effectively as a pain reliever in mice with vitamin D deficiency -- that is, the opioid had an exaggerated response in these mice, which may be concerning if it's true in humans, too, says Fisher. After all, consider a surgery patient who receives morphine for adverse side effects of lasix pain control after the operation. If that patient is deficient in vitamin D, the euphoric effects of morphine could be exaggerated, says Fisher, "and that person is more likely to become addicted."The lab data suggesting that vitamin D deficiency increases addictive behavior was supported by several accompanying analyses of human health records. One showed that patients with modestly low vitamin adverse side effects of lasix D levels were 50 percent more likely than others with normal levels to use opioids, while patients who had severe vitamin D deficiency were 90 percent more likely. Another analysis found that patients diagnosed with opioid use disorder (OUD) were more likely than others to be deficient in vitamin D.Back in the lab, one of the study's other critical findings could have significant implications, says Fisher.

"When we corrected vitamin D levels in the deficient mice, their opioid responses reversed and returned to normal," he says. In humans, adverse side effects of lasix vitamin D deficiency is widespread, but is safely and easily treated with low-cost dietary supplements, notes Fisher. While more research is needed, he believes that treating vitamin D deficiency may offer a new way to help reduce the risk for OUD and bolster existing treatments for the disorder. "Our results suggests that we may have an opportunity in the public health arena to influence the opioid epidemic," says Fisher.Cells contain machinery that duplicates DNA into a new set that goes into a newly formed cell adverse side effects of lasix. That same class of machines, called polymerases, also build RNA messages, which are like notes copied from the central DNA repository of recipes, so they can be read more efficiently into proteins.

But polymerases were thought to only work in one direction DNA into DNA or adverse side effects of lasix RNA. This prevents RNA messages from being rewritten back into the master recipe book of genomic DNA. Now, Thomas Jefferson University researchers provide the first evidence that RNA segments can be written back into DNA, which potentially challenges the central dogma in biology and could have wide implications affecting many fields of biology."This work opens adverse side effects of lasix the door to many other studies that will help us understand the significance of having a mechanism for converting RNA messages into DNA in our own cells," says Richard Pomerantz, PhD, associate professor of biochemistry and molecular biology at Thomas Jefferson University. "The reality that a human polymerase can do this with high efficiency, raises many questions." For example, this finding suggests that RNA messages can be used as templates for repairing or re-writing genomic DNA.The work was published June 11th in the journal Science Advances.Together with first author Gurushankar Chandramouly and other collaborators, Dr. Pomerantz's team started by investigating one adverse side effects of lasix very unusual polymerase, called polymerase theta.

Of the 14 DNA polymerases in mammalian cells, only three do the bulk of the work of duplicating the entire genome to prepare for cell division. The remaining 11 are mostly involved in detecting and making repairs when there's a break or error in the DNA strands. Polymerase theta repairs DNA, but is very error-prone and makes adverse side effects of lasix many errors or mutations. The researchers therefore noticed that some of polymerase theta's "bad" qualities were ones it shared with another cellular machine, albeit one more common in lasixes -- the reverse transcriptase. Like Pol theta, HIV reverse transcriptase acts as a DNA polymerase, but can also bind RNA and read RNA back into a DNA strand.In a series of elegant experiments, adverse side effects of lasix the researchers tested polymerase theta against the reverse transcriptase from HIV, which is one of the best studied of its kind.

They showed that polymerase theta was capable of converting RNA messages into DNA, which it did as well as HIV reverse transcriptase, and that it actually did a better job than when duplicating DNA to DNA. Polymerase theta was more efficient and introduced fewer errors when using an RNA template to write new DNA messages, than when duplicating DNA into DNA, suggesting that adverse side effects of lasix this function could be its primary purpose in the cell.The group collaborated with Dr. Xiaojiang S. Chen's lab at USC and used x-ray crystallography to define the structure and found that adverse side effects of lasix this molecule was able to change shape in order to accommodate the more bulky RNA molecule -- a feat unique among polymerases."Our research suggests that polymerase theta's main function is to act as a reverse transcriptase," says Dr. Pomerantz.

"In healthy cells, the purpose of adverse side effects of lasix this molecule may be toward RNA-mediated DNA repair. In unhealthy cells, such as cancer cells, polymerase theta is highly expressed and promotes cancer cell growth and drug resistance. It will be exciting to further understand how polymerase theta's activity on RNA contributes to DNA repair and cancer-cell adverse side effects of lasix proliferation."This research was supported by NIH grants 1R01GM130889-01 and 1R01GM137124-01, and R01CA197506 and R01CA240392. This research was also supported in part by a Tower Cancer Research Foundation grant. Story Source.

Materials provided by adverse side effects of lasix Thomas Jefferson University. Note. Content may be edited for style and length.The term "doomscrolling" describes the act of endlessly scrolling through bad news on social media and reading every worrisome tidbit that pops up, a habit that unfortunately seems to have become common during the hypertension medications lasix.The adverse side effects of lasix biology of our brains may play a role in that. Researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis have identified specific areas and cells in the brain that become active when an individual is faced with the choice to learn or hide from information about an unwanted aversive event the individual likely has no power to prevent.The findings, published June 11 in Neuron, could shed light on the processes underlying psychiatric conditions such as obsessive-compulsive disorder and anxiety -- not to mention how all of us cope with the deluge of information that is adverse side effects of lasix a feature of modern life."People's brains aren't well equipped to deal with the information age," said senior author Ilya Monosov, PhD, an associate professor of neuroscience, of neurosurgery and of biomedical engineering.

"People are constantly checking, checking, checking for news, and some of that checking is totally unhelpful. Our modern lifestyles could be resculpting the circuits in our brain that have evolved over millions of years to help us survive in adverse side effects of lasix an uncertain and ever-changing world."In 2019, studying monkeys, Monosov laboratory members J. Kael White, PhD, then a graduate student, and senior scientist Ethan S. Bromberg-Martin, PhD, identified two brain adverse side effects of lasix areas involved in tracking uncertainty about positively anticipated events, such as rewards. Activity in those areas drove the monkeys' motivation to find information about good things that may happen.But it wasn't clear whether the same circuits were involved in seeking information about negatively anticipated events, like punishments.

After all, most people want to know whether, for example, a bet on a horse race is likely to pay off big. Not so adverse side effects of lasix for bad news. advertisement "In the clinic, when you give some patients the opportunity to get a genetic test to find out if they have, for example, Huntington's disease, some people will go ahead and get the test as soon as they can, while other people will refuse to be tested until symptoms occur," Monosov said. "Clinicians see information-seeking behavior in some people and dread behavior in others."To find the neural circuits involved in deciding adverse side effects of lasix whether to seek information about unwelcome possibilities, first author Ahmad Jezzini, PhD, and Monosov taught two monkeys to recognize when something unpleasant might be headed their way. They trained the monkeys to recognize symbols that indicated they might be about to get an irritating puff of air to the face.

For example, the monkeys first were shown one symbol that told adverse side effects of lasix them a puff might be coming but with varying degrees of certainty. A few seconds after the first symbol was shown, a second symbol was shown that resolved the animals' uncertainty. It told the monkeys that the puff was definitely coming, or it wasn't.The researchers measured whether the animals wanted to know what was going to happen by whether they watched for the second signal or averted their eyes or, adverse side effects of lasix in separate experiments, letting the monkeys choose among different symbols and their outcomes.Much like people, the two monkeys had different attitudes toward bad news. One wanted to know. The other preferred not to adverse side effects of lasix.

The difference in their attitudes toward bad news was striking because they were of like mind when it came to good news. When they were given the option of finding out whether they were about to receive something they liked -- a drop of juice -- they both consistently chose to find out."We found that attitudes toward seeking information about negative events can go both ways, even between animals that have the same attitude about positive rewarding events," said Jezzini, who is adverse side effects of lasix an instructor in neuroscience. "To us, that was a sign that the two attitudes may be guided by different neural processes."By precisely measuring neural activity in the brain while the monkeys were faced with these choices, the researchers identified one brain area, the anterior cingulate cortex, that encodes information about attitudes toward good and bad possibilities separately. They found a second brain area, the ventrolateral prefrontal cortex, that contains individual cells whose activity reflects the monkeys' overall attitudes. Yes for info adverse side effects of lasix on either good or bad possibilities vs.

Yes for intel on good possibilities only.Understanding the neural circuits underlying uncertainty is a step toward better therapies for people with conditions such as anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorder, which involve an inability to tolerate uncertainty."We started this study because we wanted to know how the brain encodes our desire to know what our future has in store for us," Monosov said. "We're living in a adverse side effects of lasix world our brains didn't evolve for. The constant availability of information is a new challenge for us to deal with. I think adverse side effects of lasix understanding the mechanisms of information seeking is quite important for society and for mental health at a population level."Co-authors Bromberg-Martin, a senior scientist in the Monosov lab, and Lucas Trambaiolli, PhD, of Harvard Medical School, participated in the analyses of neural and anatomical data to make this study possible.So-called "good fatty acids" are essential for human health and much sought after by those who try to eat healthily. Among the Omega-3 fatty acids, DHA or docosahexaenoic acid is crucial to brain function, vision and the regulation of inflammatory phenomena.In addition to these virtues, DHA is also associated with a reduction in the incidence of cancer.

How it works is the subject of a major discovery by a multidisciplinary team of University of Louvain (UCLouvain) researchers, who have just elucidated the biochemical mechanism that allows DHA and other related fatty acids to adverse side effects of lasix slow the development of tumours. This is a major advance that has recently been published in the journal Cell Metabolism.Key to the discovery. InterdisciplinarityIn 2016, Olivier Feron's UCLouvain team, which specialises in oncology, discovered adverse side effects of lasix that cells in an acidic microenvironment (acidosis) within tumours replace glucose with lipids as an energy source in order to multiply. In collaboration with UCLouvain's Cyril Corbet, Prof. Feron demonstrated in 2020 that these same cells are the most aggressive and acquire the ability to leave the original tumour to generate metastases.

Meanwhile, Yvan Larondelle, a professor in the adverse side effects of lasix UCLouvain Faculty of Bioengineering, whose team is developing improved dietary lipid sources, proposed to Prof. Feron that they combine their skills in a research project, led by PhD candidate Emeline Dierge, to evaluate the behaviour of tumour cells in the presence of different fatty acids.Thanks to the support of the Fondation Louvain, the Belgian Cancer Foundation and the Télévie telethon, the team quickly identified that these acidotic tumour cells responded in diametrically opposite ways depending on the fatty acid they were absorbing. Within a adverse side effects of lasix few weeks, the results were both impressive and surprising. "We soon found that certain fatty acids stimulated the tumour cells while others killed them," the researchers explained. DHA literally poisons them.A fatal overloadThe poison acts on tumour cells via a phenomenon called ferroptosis, a adverse side effects of lasix type of cell death linked to the peroxidation of certain fatty acids.

The greater the amount of unsaturated fatty acids in the cell, the greater the risk of their oxidation. Normally, in the acidic compartment adverse side effects of lasix within tumours, cells store these fatty acids in lipid droplets, a kind of bundle in which fatty acids are protected from oxidation. But in the presence of a large amount of DHA, the tumour cell is overwhelmed and cannot store the DHA, which oxidises and leads to cell death. By using a lipid metabolism inhibitor that prevents the adverse side effects of lasix formation of lipid droplets, researchers were able to observe that this phenomenon is further amplified, which confirms the identified mechanism and opens the door to combined treatment possibilities.For their study, UCLouvain researchers used a 3D tumour cell culture system, called spheroids. In the presence of DHA, spheroids first grow and then implode.

The team also administered a DHA-enriched diet to mice with tumours. The result adverse side effects of lasix. Tumour development was significantly slowed compared to that in mice on a conventional diet.This UCLouvain study shows the value of DHA in fighting cancer. "For an adverse side effects of lasix adult," the UCLouvain researchers stated, "it's recommended to consume at least 250 mg of DHA per day. But studies show that our diet provides on average only 50 to 100 mg per day.

This is well below the minimum recommended adverse side effects of lasix intake." Story Source. Materials provided by Université catholique de Louvain. Note. Content may be edited for style and length.The British have suffered for their fashion for centuries according to a new study suggesting that a vogue for shoes with a pointed tip led to a sharp increase in hallux valgus of the big toe -- often called bunions -- in the late medieval period.Researchers investigating remains in Cambridge, UK, found that those buried in the town centre, particularly in plots for wealthier citizens and clergy, were much more likely to have had bunions -- suggesting rich urbanites paid a higher price for their footwear in more ways than one.A University of Cambridge team also discovered that older medieval people with hallux valgus were significantly more likely to have sustained a broken bone from a probable fall compared to those of a similar age with normal feet.Hallux valgus is a minor deformity in which the largest toe becomes angled outward and a bony protrusion forms at its base, on the inside of the foot.While various factors can predispose someone to bunions, from genetics to muscle imbalance, by far the most common contemporary cause is constrictive boots and shoes. The condition is often associated with wearing high heels.Archaeologists analysed 177 skeletons from cemeteries in and around the city of Cambridge and found that only 6% of individuals buried between 11th and 13th centuries had evidence of the affliction.

However, 27% of those dating from the 14th and 15th centuries had been hobbled by longstanding hallux valgus. advertisement Researchers point out that shoe style changed significantly during the 14th century. Shifting from a functional rounded toe box to a lengthy and more elegant pointed tip.In a paper published today in the International Journal of Paleopathology, the team from Cambridge University's After the Plague project argues that these "poulaine" shoes drove the rise of bunions in medieval Britain."The 14th century brought an abundance of new styles of dress and footwear in a wide range of fabrics and colours. Among these fashion trends were pointed long-toed shoes called poulaines," said study co-author Dr Piers Mitchell from Cambridge's Department of Archaeology."The remains of shoes excavated in places like London and Cambridge suggest that by the late 14th century almost every type of shoe was at least slightly pointed -- a style common among both adults and children alike.""We investigated the changes that occurred between the high and late medieval periods, and realized that the increase in hallux valgus over time must have been due to the introduction of these new footwear styles," said Mitchell. advertisement First author Dr Jenna Dittmar, who conducted the work while at Cambridge, said.

"We think of bunions as being a modern problem but this work shows it was actually one of the more common conditions to have affected medieval adults."The remains came from four separate sites around Cambridge. A charitable hospital (now part of St John's College). The grounds of a former Augustinian friary, where clergy and wealthy benefactors were buried. A local parish graveyard on what was the edge of town. And a rural burial site by a village 6km south of Cambridge.Researchers conducted "paleopathological assessments," including inspecting foot bones for the bump by the big toe that is the hallmark of hallux valgus.They found a sliding scale of bunion prevalence linked to the wealth of those interred on each site.

Only 3% of the rural cemetery showed signs, 10% of the parish graveyard (which mainly held the working poor), creeping up to 23% of those on the hospital site.Yet almost half those buried in the friary -- some 43% -- including five of the eleven individuals identified as clergy by their belt buckles, carried the mark of the bunion."Rules for the attire of Augustinian friars included footwear that was 'black and fastened by a thong at the ankle', commensurate with a lifestyle of worship and poverty," said Mitchell."However, in the 13th and 14th centuries it was increasingly common for those in clerical orders in Britain to wear stylish clothes -- a cause for concern among high-ranking church officials."In 1215, the church forbade clergy from wearing pointed-toed shoes. This may have done little to curb the trend, as numerous further decrees on indiscretions in clerical dress had to be passed, most notably in 1281 and 1342."The adoption of fashionable garments by the clergy was so common it spurred criticism in contemporary literature, as seen in Chaucer's depiction of the monk in the Canterbury Tales," said Mitchell.Across late medieval society the pointiness of shoes became so extreme that in 1463 King Edward IV passed a law limiting toe-point length to less than two inches within London.The majority of remains with signs of hallux valgus across all sites and eras within the study were men (20 of the 31 total bunion sufferers). The research also suggests that health costs of foot fashion were not limited to bunions.Dr Jenna Dittmar found that skeletal remains with hallux valgus were also more likely to show signs of fractures that usually result from a fall e.g. Those to upper limbs indicating an individual tumbled forward onto outstretched arms.This association was only found to be significant among those who died over 45 year old, suggesting youthful fashion choices came back to haunt the middle-aged even in medieval times."Modern clinical research on patients with hallux valgus has shown that the deformity makes it harder to balance, and increases the risk of falls in older people," said Dittmar. "This would explain the higher number of healed broken bones we found in medieval skeletons with this condition.".

Vitamin D deficiency strongly exaggerates where to buy lasix online the craving for and effects of opioids, potentially increasing the risk for dependence and addiction, according to a new study led by researchers at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH). These findings, published in Science Advances, suggest that addressing the common problem of vitamin D deficiency with inexpensive supplements could play a part in combating the ongoing scourge of opioid addiction.Earlier work by David E. Fisher, MD, PhD, director of the Mass General Cancer Center's Melanoma Program and director of MGH's Cutaneous Biology Research Center (CBRC), laid the foundation for where to buy lasix online the current study. In 2007, Fisher and his team found something unexpected. Exposure to uaviolet (UV) rays (specifically the form called UVB), causes the skin to produce the hormone endorphin, where to buy lasix online which is chemically related to morphine, heroin and other opioids -- in fact, all activate the same receptors in the brain.

A subsequent study by Fisher found that UV exposure raises endorphin levels in mice, which then display behavior consistent with opioid addiction.Endorphin is sometimes called a "feel good" hormone because it induces a sense of mild euphoria. Studies have suggested that where to buy lasix online some people develop urges to sunbathe and visit tanning salons that mirror the behaviors of opioid addicts. Fisher and his colleagues speculated that people may seek out UVB because they unknowingly crave the endorphin rush. But that suggests a where to buy lasix online major contradiction. "Why would we evolve to be behaviorally drawn towards the most common carcinogen that exists?.

" asked Fisher where to buy lasix online. After all, sun exposure is the primary cause of skin cancer, to say nothing of wrinkles and other skin damage.Fisher believes that the only explanation for why humans and other animals seek out the sun is that exposure to UV radiation is necessary for production of vitamin D, which our bodies can't formulate on their own. Vitamin D promotes uptake of calcium, which is essential for building bone. As tribes of humans migrated north during prehistoric times, an evolutionary alteration might have been needed to compel them to step out of caves and into the sunshine on bitterly cold where to buy lasix online days. Otherwise, small children would have died of prolonged vitamin D deficiency (the cause of rickets) and weak bones might have shattered when people ran from predators, leaving them vulnerable.This theory led Fisher and colleagues to hypothesize that sun seeking is driven by vitamin D deficiency, with the goal of increasing synthesis of the hormone for survival, and that vitamin D deficiency might also make the body more sensitive to the effects of opioids, potentially contributing to addiction.

"Our goal in this study was to understand the relationship between vitamin where to buy lasix online D signaling in the body and UV-seeking and opioid-seeking behaviors," says lead author Lajos V. Kemény, MD, PhD, a postdoctoral research fellow in Dermatology at MGH.In the Science Advances paper, Fisher, Kemény and a multidisciplinary team from several institutions addressed the question from dual perspectives. In one arm of the study, they compared normal laboratory mice with mice that were deficient in vitamin D where to buy lasix online (either through special breeding or by removing vitamin D from their diets). "We found that modulating vitamin D levels changes multiple addictive behaviors to both UV and opioids," says Kemény. Importantly, when the mice were conditioned with modest doses of where to buy lasix online morphine, those deficient in vitamin D continued seeking out the drug, behavior that was less common among the normal mice.

When morphine was withdrawn, the mice with low vitamin D levels were far more likely to develop withdrawal symptoms.The study also found that morphine worked more effectively as a pain reliever in mice with vitamin D deficiency -- that is, the opioid had an exaggerated response in these mice, which may be concerning if it's true in humans, too, says Fisher. After all, consider a surgery patient who receives morphine for pain control after where to buy lasix online the operation. If that patient is deficient in vitamin D, the euphoric effects of morphine could be exaggerated, says Fisher, "and that person is more likely to become addicted."The lab data suggesting that vitamin D deficiency increases addictive behavior was supported by several accompanying analyses of human health records. One showed that patients with modestly low vitamin D levels were 50 percent more likely than others with normal levels to use opioids, while patients where to buy lasix online who had severe vitamin D deficiency were 90 percent more likely. Another analysis found that patients diagnosed with opioid use disorder (OUD) were more likely than others to be deficient in vitamin D.Back in the lab, one of the study's other critical findings could have significant implications, says Fisher.

"When we corrected vitamin D levels in the deficient mice, their opioid responses reversed and returned to normal," he says. In humans, vitamin D deficiency is widespread, but is safely and easily treated where to buy lasix online with low-cost dietary supplements, notes Fisher. While more research is needed, he believes that treating vitamin D deficiency may offer a new way to help reduce the risk for OUD and bolster existing treatments for the disorder. "Our results suggests that we may have an opportunity where to buy lasix online in the public health arena to influence the opioid epidemic," says Fisher.Cells contain machinery that duplicates DNA into a new set that goes into a newly formed cell. That same class of machines, called polymerases, also build RNA messages, which are like notes copied from the central DNA repository of recipes, so they can be read more efficiently into proteins.

But polymerases were thought to only work in one direction DNA into DNA or where to buy lasix online RNA. This prevents RNA messages from being rewritten back into the master recipe book of genomic DNA. Now, Thomas Jefferson University researchers provide the first evidence that RNA segments can be written back into DNA, which potentially challenges the central dogma in biology and could have wide implications affecting many fields of biology."This work opens the door to many other studies that will help us understand the significance of having a mechanism for converting RNA messages into DNA in our own where to buy lasix online cells," says Richard Pomerantz, PhD, associate professor of biochemistry and molecular biology at Thomas Jefferson University. "The reality that a human polymerase can do this with high efficiency, raises many questions." For example, this finding suggests that RNA messages can be used as templates for repairing or re-writing genomic DNA.The work was published June 11th in the journal Science Advances.Together with first author Gurushankar Chandramouly and other collaborators, Dr. Pomerantz's team started by where to buy lasix online investigating one very unusual polymerase, called polymerase theta.

Of the 14 DNA polymerases in mammalian cells, only three do the bulk of the work of duplicating the entire genome to prepare for cell division. The remaining 11 are mostly involved in detecting and making repairs when there's a break or error in the DNA strands. Polymerase theta repairs where to buy lasix online DNA, but is very error-prone and makes many errors or mutations. The researchers therefore noticed that some of polymerase theta's "bad" qualities were ones it shared with another cellular machine, albeit one more common in lasixes -- the reverse transcriptase. Like Pol theta, HIV reverse transcriptase acts as a DNA polymerase, but can also bind RNA and read RNA back into a DNA strand.In a series of elegant experiments, the researchers tested polymerase theta where to buy lasix online against the reverse transcriptase from HIV, which is one of the best studied of its kind.

They showed that polymerase theta was capable of converting RNA messages into DNA, which it did as well as HIV reverse transcriptase, and that it actually did a better job than when duplicating DNA to DNA. Polymerase theta was more efficient and introduced fewer errors when using an RNA template to write new DNA messages, than when duplicating DNA into DNA, suggesting that this function could where to buy lasix online be its primary purpose in the cell.The group collaborated with Dr. Xiaojiang S. Chen's lab at USC and used x-ray crystallography to define the structure and found that this molecule was able to change shape in order to accommodate the more bulky RNA molecule where to buy lasix online -- a feat unique among polymerases."Our research suggests that polymerase theta's main function is to act as a reverse transcriptase," says Dr. Pomerantz.

"In healthy cells, the purpose of this molecule may where to buy lasix online be toward RNA-mediated DNA repair. In unhealthy cells, such as cancer cells, polymerase theta is highly expressed and promotes cancer cell growth and drug resistance. It will be exciting to further understand how polymerase theta's activity on RNA contributes to DNA repair and cancer-cell proliferation."This research was supported by NIH grants 1R01GM130889-01 and 1R01GM137124-01, where to buy lasix online and R01CA197506 and R01CA240392. This research was also supported in part by a Tower Cancer Research Foundation grant. Story Source.

Materials provided where to buy lasix online by Thomas Jefferson University. Note. Content may be edited for style and length.The term "doomscrolling" describes the act of endlessly scrolling through bad news on social media and reading every worrisome tidbit that pops up, a habit that unfortunately seems to have become common during the hypertension medications lasix.The biology of our brains may play where to buy lasix online a role in that. Researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis have identified specific areas and cells in the brain that become active when an individual is faced with the choice to learn or hide from information about an unwanted aversive event the individual likely has no power to prevent.The findings, published June 11 in Neuron, could shed light on the processes underlying psychiatric conditions such as obsessive-compulsive disorder and anxiety -- not to mention how all of us where to buy lasix online cope with the deluge of information that is a feature of modern life."People's brains aren't well equipped to deal with the information age," said senior author Ilya Monosov, PhD, an associate professor of neuroscience, of neurosurgery and of biomedical engineering.

"People are constantly checking, checking, checking for news, and some of that checking is totally unhelpful. Our modern where to buy lasix online lifestyles could be resculpting the circuits in our brain that have evolved over millions of years to help us survive in an uncertain and ever-changing world."In 2019, studying monkeys, Monosov laboratory members J. Kael White, PhD, then a graduate student, and senior scientist Ethan S. Bromberg-Martin, PhD, identified two brain areas involved in tracking uncertainty about positively anticipated events, such where to buy lasix online as rewards. Activity in those areas drove the monkeys' motivation to find information about good things that may happen.But it wasn't clear whether the same circuits were involved in seeking information about negatively anticipated events, like punishments.

After all, most people want to know whether, for example, a bet on a horse race is likely to pay off big. Not so where to buy lasix online for bad news. advertisement "In the clinic, when you give some patients the opportunity to get a genetic test to find out if they have, for example, Huntington's disease, some people will go ahead and get the test as soon as they can, while other people will refuse to be tested until symptoms occur," Monosov said. "Clinicians see information-seeking behavior in some people and dread behavior in others."To find the neural circuits involved in deciding whether where to buy lasix online to seek information about unwelcome possibilities, first author Ahmad Jezzini, PhD, and Monosov taught two monkeys to recognize when something unpleasant might be headed their way. They trained the monkeys to recognize symbols that indicated they might be about to get an irritating puff of air to the face.

For example, the monkeys first were shown one where to buy lasix online symbol that told them a puff might be coming but with varying degrees of certainty. A few seconds after the first symbol was shown, a second symbol was shown that resolved the animals' uncertainty. It told the monkeys that the puff was definitely coming, or it wasn't.The researchers measured whether the animals wanted to know what was going to happen by whether they watched for the second signal or averted their eyes or, in separate experiments, letting the monkeys choose where to buy lasix online among different symbols and their outcomes.Much like people, the two monkeys had different attitudes toward bad news. One wanted to know. The other where to buy lasix online preferred not to.

The difference in their attitudes toward bad news was striking because they were of like mind when it came to good news. When they were given the option of finding out whether they were about to receive something they liked -- a drop of juice -- they both consistently chose to find out."We found that attitudes toward seeking information about negative events can go both ways, even between animals that have the same attitude about positive rewarding events," said Jezzini, where to buy lasix online who is an instructor in neuroscience. "To us, that was a sign that the two attitudes may be guided by different neural processes."By precisely measuring neural activity in the brain while the monkeys were faced with these choices, the researchers identified one brain area, the anterior cingulate cortex, that encodes information about attitudes toward good and bad possibilities separately. They found a second brain area, the ventrolateral prefrontal cortex, that contains individual cells whose activity reflects the monkeys' overall attitudes. Yes for where to buy lasix online info on either good or bad possibilities vs.

Yes for intel on good possibilities only.Understanding the neural circuits underlying uncertainty is a step toward better therapies for people with conditions such as anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorder, which involve an inability to tolerate uncertainty."We started this study because we wanted to know how the brain encodes our desire to know what our future has in store for us," Monosov said. "We're living in a world our brains didn't evolve where to buy lasix online for. The constant availability of information is a new challenge for us to deal with. I think understanding the mechanisms of information seeking is quite important for society and for where to buy lasix online mental health at a population level."Co-authors Bromberg-Martin, a senior scientist in the Monosov lab, and Lucas Trambaiolli, PhD, of Harvard Medical School, participated in the analyses of neural and anatomical data to make this study possible.So-called "good fatty acids" are essential for human health and much sought after by those who try to eat healthily. Among the Omega-3 fatty acids, DHA or docosahexaenoic acid is crucial to brain function, vision and the regulation of inflammatory phenomena.In addition to these virtues, DHA is also associated with a reduction in the incidence of cancer.

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Meanwhile, Yvan Larondelle, a professor in the UCLouvain Faculty of Bioengineering, whose team is developing improved dietary lipid sources, proposed where to buy lasix online to Prof. Feron that they combine their skills in a research project, led by PhD candidate Emeline Dierge, to evaluate the behaviour of tumour cells in the presence of different fatty acids.Thanks to the support of the Fondation Louvain, the Belgian Cancer Foundation and the Télévie telethon, the team quickly identified that these acidotic tumour cells responded in diametrically opposite ways depending on the fatty acid they were absorbing. Within a few weeks, the results were where to buy lasix online both impressive and surprising. "We soon found that certain fatty acids stimulated the tumour cells while others killed them," the researchers explained. DHA literally poisons them.A fatal overloadThe poison acts on tumour cells via a where to buy lasix online phenomenon called ferroptosis, a type of cell death linked to the peroxidation of certain fatty acids.

The greater the amount of unsaturated fatty acids in the cell, the greater the risk of their oxidation. Normally, in the acidic where to buy lasix online compartment within tumours, cells store these fatty acids in lipid droplets, a kind of bundle in which fatty acids are protected from oxidation. But in the presence of a large amount of DHA, the tumour cell is overwhelmed and cannot store the DHA, which oxidises and leads to cell death. By using a lipid metabolism inhibitor that prevents the formation of lipid droplets, researchers were where to buy lasix online able to observe that this phenomenon is further amplified, which confirms the identified mechanism and opens the door to combined treatment possibilities.For their study, UCLouvain researchers used a 3D tumour cell culture system, called spheroids. In the presence of DHA, spheroids first grow and then implode.

The team also administered a DHA-enriched diet to mice with tumours. The result where to buy lasix online. Tumour development was significantly slowed compared to that in mice on a conventional diet.This UCLouvain study shows the value of DHA in fighting cancer. "For an where to buy lasix online adult," the UCLouvain researchers stated, "it's recommended to consume at least 250 mg of DHA per day. But studies show that our diet provides on average only 50 to 100 mg per day.

This is where to buy lasix online well below the minimum recommended intake." Story Source. Materials provided by Université catholique de Louvain. Note. Content may be edited for style and length.The British have suffered for their fashion for centuries according to a new study suggesting that a vogue for shoes with a pointed tip led to a sharp increase in hallux valgus of the big toe -- often called bunions -- in the late medieval period.Researchers investigating remains in Cambridge, UK, found that those buried in the town centre, particularly in plots for wealthier citizens and clergy, were much more likely to have had bunions -- suggesting rich urbanites paid a higher price for their footwear in more ways than one.A University of Cambridge team also discovered that older medieval people with hallux valgus were significantly more likely to have sustained a broken bone from a probable fall compared to those of a similar age with normal feet.Hallux valgus is a minor deformity in which the largest toe becomes angled outward and a bony protrusion forms at its base, on the inside of the foot.While various factors can predispose someone to bunions, from genetics to muscle imbalance, by far the most common contemporary cause is constrictive boots and shoes. The condition is often associated with wearing high heels.Archaeologists analysed 177 skeletons from cemeteries in and around the city of Cambridge and found that only 6% of individuals buried between 11th and 13th centuries had evidence of the affliction.

However, 27% of those dating from the 14th and 15th centuries had been hobbled by longstanding hallux valgus. advertisement Researchers point out that shoe style changed significantly during the 14th century. Shifting from a functional rounded toe box to a lengthy and more elegant pointed tip.In a paper published today in the International Journal of Paleopathology, the team from Cambridge University's After the Plague project argues that these "poulaine" shoes drove the rise of bunions in medieval Britain."The 14th century brought an abundance of new styles of dress and footwear in a wide range of fabrics and colours. Among these fashion trends were pointed long-toed shoes called poulaines," said study co-author Dr Piers Mitchell from Cambridge's Department of Archaeology."The remains of shoes excavated in places like London and Cambridge suggest that by the late 14th century almost every type of shoe was at least slightly pointed -- a style common among both adults and children alike.""We investigated the changes that occurred between the high and late medieval periods, and realized that the increase in hallux valgus over time must have been due to the introduction of these new footwear styles," said Mitchell. advertisement First author Dr Jenna Dittmar, who conducted the work while at Cambridge, said.

"We think of bunions as being a modern problem but this work shows it was actually one of the more common conditions to have affected medieval adults."The remains came from four separate sites around Cambridge. A charitable hospital (now part of St John's College). The grounds of a former Augustinian friary, where clergy and wealthy benefactors were buried. A local parish graveyard on what was the edge of town. And a rural burial site by a village 6km south of Cambridge.Researchers conducted "paleopathological assessments," including inspecting foot bones for the bump by the big toe that is the hallmark of hallux valgus.They found a sliding scale of bunion prevalence linked to the wealth of those interred on each site.

Only 3% of the rural cemetery showed signs, 10% of the parish graveyard (which mainly held the working poor), creeping up to 23% of those on the hospital site.Yet almost half those buried in the friary -- some 43% -- including five of the eleven individuals identified as clergy by their belt buckles, carried the mark of the bunion."Rules for the attire of Augustinian friars included footwear that was 'black and fastened by a thong at the ankle', commensurate with a lifestyle of worship and poverty," said Mitchell."However, in the 13th and 14th centuries it was increasingly common for those in clerical orders in Britain to wear stylish clothes -- a cause for concern among high-ranking church officials."In 1215, the church forbade clergy from wearing pointed-toed shoes. This may have done little to curb the trend, as numerous further decrees on indiscretions in clerical dress had to be passed, most notably in 1281 and 1342."The adoption of fashionable garments by the clergy was so common it spurred criticism in contemporary literature, as seen in Chaucer's depiction of the monk in the Canterbury Tales," said Mitchell.Across late medieval society the pointiness of shoes became so extreme that in 1463 King Edward IV passed a law limiting toe-point length to less than two inches within London.The majority of remains with signs of hallux valgus across all sites and eras within the study were men (20 of the 31 total bunion sufferers). The research also suggests that health costs of foot fashion were not limited to bunions.Dr Jenna Dittmar found that skeletal remains with hallux valgus were also more likely to show signs of fractures that usually result from a fall e.g. Those to upper limbs indicating an individual tumbled forward onto outstretched arms.This association was only found to be significant among those who died over 45 year old, suggesting youthful fashion choices came back to haunt the middle-aged even in medieval times."Modern clinical research on patients with hallux valgus has shown that the deformity makes it harder to balance, and increases the risk of falls in older people," said Dittmar. "This would explain the higher number of healed broken bones we found in medieval skeletons with this condition.".

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SACRAMENTO — Gavin Newsom put California’s health care industry on notice when he was a candidate for governor, vowing in 2018 to go after the insurance companies, doctors and hospitals that leave many Californians struggling how much lasix is too much with enormous medical bills and rising insurance premiums. He pledged to lead California’s single-payer movement, a high-stakes liberal dream that would eliminate private health insurance and slash how much providers are paid. The tough rhetoric continued after he was elected, how much lasix is too much when Newsom told insurers to “do their damn job” to improve mental health treatment or face fines, and he vowed to cut the health care industry’s soaring revenues.

€œWe’ve got to get serious about reducing health care costs,” the first-term Democrat said in January 2020 as he unveiled his proposal to establish an Office of Health Care Affordability that would do the unthinkable in a system powered by profits. Set caps on health care spending and require doctors and hospitals to work for less money. €œWe mean business.” Industry how much lasix is too much leaders were rattled.

But rather than mobilize a full-throttle defense to sink Newsom’s effort to regulate them, they have used their political clout and close ties with the governor to devise a friendlier alternative that doctors, hospitals and insurance companies could live with. When Newsom ultimately drafted legislation for the office, he took an idea health care executives had pitched and made it his own. Instead of capping prices or cutting revenues, he would allow industry spending to grow — but with how much lasix is too much limits.

EMAIL SIGN-Up Subscribe to California Healthline's free Daily Edition. Political infighting killed the legislation this year, but it is expected to come back in January and spark one of next year’s blockbuster health care battles. €œThey’re fearful of what might happen to them, and they’re trying to protect how much lasix is too much their interests because they’re threatened,” David Panush, a veteran Sacramento health policy consultant, said about health care industry players. They know “there’s blood in the water and the sharks are coming.” If Newsom’s plan to rein in health care spending succeeds, it could provide him some political cover as he campaigns for reelection next year, giving him a major health care win even as he sidesteps progressive demands such as creating a single-payer system.

But it could also cement the power of an industry that continues to wield immense influence — negotiating behind the scenes to protect its massive revenues and secure exemptions and side deals in exchange for its support. €œEvery time we try to do how much lasix is too much something to reduce health care costs, it meets with huge opposition,” said state Assembly member Jim Wood (D-Santa Rosa), head of the Assembly Health Committee who is working closely with the Newsom administration on this proposal. Industry power players have only pushed back harder as lawmakers have tried to take them on, Wood said.

€œAnybody or anything that disrupts the status quo is met with huge resistance and huge resources to fight it,” he said. —†â—†â—† When Newsom took office in 2019, he knew public sentiment was turning against how much lasix is too much the health care industry. On average, health care costs were around $11,600 per person that year, up from $4,600 in 1999, according to federal data.

In California, hospitals account for the biggest share of spending, nearly how much lasix is too much one-third, while 20% of health care dollars goes to doctors. California consumers are demanding action, with 82% of state residents saying it’s “extremely” or “very” important for the governor and legislature to make health care more affordable, according to a 2021 poll from the California Health Care Foundation. Much of Newsom’s tough talk on industry spending came early in his term.

€œWe’re going to create specific cost targets for all sectors to achieve, and we are going how much lasix is too much to assess penalties if they don’t achieve those targets,” Newsom said in January 2020. €œIf that didn’t wake up members of the system, I don’t know what will.” Newsom’s wake-up call came on the heels of tense legislative debates on bills that would have empowered the state to set health care prices and created a single-payer system. The measures gained surprising momentum but ultimately buckled under opposition from health care giants.

Then the hypertension medications crisis hit and propelled the recall effort to oust him from office — and the wake-up call was met how much lasix is too much with a slap of the snooze button. The governor and his health industry allies nestled closer. Just as he needed them to be the state’s front line of defense, they needed him to keep hospitals from overflowing, to secure protective gear and to push vaccinations.

Health care how much lasix is too much titans became regular fixtures in Newsom’s orbit. His calendars, obtained by KHN, show that doctors, hospitals and health insurance leaders have routinely received access to the governor. Carmela Coyle, head of the California Hospital Association, stood beside Newsom at the how much lasix is too much state emergency operations center in the early days of the hypertension medications crisis, and Paul Markovich, CEO of Blue Shield of California, obtained a lucrative no-bid state vaccination contract to implement Newsom’s vaccination effort.

The coziness of the industry’s relationship with Newsom burst into public view in late 2020 when Newsom was photographed dining at the ritzy French Laundry restaurant with Dustin Corcoran and Janus Norman, the CEO and top lobbyist, respectively, of the state doctors’ lobby, the California Medical Association. €œThere is no possible way we could have come out of this hypertension medications crisis where the health care industry was given so much power without influence coming along with that,” said Carmen Balber, executive director of the advocacy group Consumer Watchdog. Newsom did not respond to questions about the industry’s influence, but spokesperson Alex Stack said his proposal to regulate health care spending “is a priority for this administration, and we look forward to continuing to work on this issue to get it done.” Doctors and Blue Shield have given Newsom millions of dollars to support his political career over many years, including a how much lasix is too much $20 million donation in September 2020 from Blue Shield for his homelessness initiatives.

The recall effort earlier this year only solidified Newsom’s relationship with health care executives. Industry groups wrote checks to the California Democratic Party, which fought to keep Newsom in office. It received $1 million each from Blue Shield and the hospital lobby and $875,000 from the doctors’ lobby, according to state campaign finance how much lasix is too much records.

—†â—†â—† Though Newsom vowed to go after industry, he hasn’t aggressively taken it on, and health care executives and lobbyists continue to wield their influence as they shape the debate over the Office of Health Care Affordability. That could put Newsom in a political bind as he runs for reelection — first in the June 2022 primary and then the how much lasix is too much November general election — because he will face intense opposing political pressure from liberal Democrats who want him to keep his campaign promise and adopt single-payer. Health and political experts say Newsom can help alleviate that pressure by adopting a strict law going after spiraling health care spending.

€œThis issue isn’t going away — it does need to be addressed,” acknowledged Corcoran. The push to control costs “should be uncomfortable for everybody, but not how much lasix is too much horribly so.” But it won’t be easy. After powerful industry leaders joined forces with organized labor and consumer advocates to propose a plan to the governor, they jammed negotiations with their demands, splintering the coalition and killing the effort this year.

Coyle, with the hospital association, had left the coalition early out of concern that hospitals were the primary target, and approached the Newsom administration independently. She is also asking Newsom to relax stringent earthquake safety standards for how much lasix is too much hospitals. Corcoran wants to exempt “small” doctor practices — which he defines as practices with up to 100 doctors — from regulation, arguing that restrictive government cost controls could put them out of business, leading to increased industry consolidation and higher prices.

€œThe goal posts were constantly shifting,” said Yasmin Peled, a lobbyist for the advocacy group Health Access California, which was involved in negotiations. €œThe asks were how much lasix is too much constantly changing.” Before negotiations completely broke down, Newsom embraced the idea floated by Coyle. The state should control growth, not impose revenue cuts.

And it should not only focus on hospitals, but apply to all health care sectors, including how much lasix is too much doctors and insurers. (The pharmaceutical industry would not be subject to the cost control provisions of the measure because of restrictions in federal law, according to Wood’s office.) With battle lines drawn, industry groups are poised for a major fight next year as Newsom and state Democratic lawmakers muscle through legislation. Their primary goal will be to protect their interests, said Mark Peterson, a professor of public policy, political science and law at UCLA.

€œThere’s no question this industry has how much lasix is too much power. The real question is what they do with it,” Peterson said. €œThey’re getting wins, and important ones.” [Correction.

This article was updated how much lasix is too much at 9:15 a.m. PT on Oct. 12, 2021, to correct the spelling of how much lasix is too much Yasmin Peled, a lobbyist for Health Access California.] Angela Hart., @ahartreports Samantha Young., @youngsamantha Related Topics Contact Us Submit a Story TipThe night before Brian Gorzney planned to check into rehab for alcohol use, he began vomiting blood. First at 2 how much lasix is too much a.m.

Then 5. And again at 11. When he arrived at the rehab facility in North how much lasix is too much Kansas City, Missouri, they sent him directly to the adjoining hospital.

There, Gorzney, then 50, and his family learned he had severe alcoholic hepatitis, an inflammation of the liver typically associated with excessive alcohol use. Gorzney had been drinking heavily on and off for years and, by February 2020, was having as many as a dozen drinks a day. His only chance of how much lasix is too much survival was a liver transplant, doctors said.

€œSo let’s do that,” his daughter Cameron Gorzney, now 22, told them. She was ready for anything that would save her dad, the man who had coached her softball team until high school and how much lasix is too much later cheered from the stands at every game. But Gorzney wasn’t eligible for a transplant, the doctors said.

He hadn’t been six months sober. In the U.S., a widespread how much lasix is too much practice requires patients with alcoholic liver disease to complete a period of sobriety before they can get on the waiting list for a liver. This informal policy, often called “the 6-month rule,” can be traced to the 1980s.

The thinking then — and among proponents of the practice today — was that six months of abstinence gave a patient’s liver time to heal and, thus, avoid a transplant. If that didn’t work, the patient would have proven they can stay sober and would how much lasix is too much not return to drinking after a transplant. However, a landmark European study published in 2011 and several American studies in the decade since have exposed flaws in that premise.

Six months of abstinence is not a good predictor of long-term sobriety, and for people with conditions like Gorzney’s, more than half die how much lasix is too much within that time. Now, as the understanding of addiction evolves — viewing it as a disease rather than a personal failing — many surgeons and families say the six-month hold unfairly penalizes those with substance use disorder. And with alcoholic liver disease rising among young adults and lasix-related drinking exacerbating those numbers, it has become a pressing concern.

EMAIL SIGN-Up Subscribe to California Healthline's free Daily Edition. “We have to move beyond denying people lifesaving therapy because we think they don’t deserve it,” how much lasix is too much said Dr. Andrew Cameron, head of the liver transplant program at Johns Hopkins Medicine in Baltimore. Doctors don’t withhold treatment from people with diabetes who are obese or people with sexually transmitted s who had unprotected sex, he said.

Cameron and his colleagues published a study this August, which found that among patients with how much lasix is too much alcoholic liver disease who were made to wait six months and those who were not, about 20% in each group returned to drinking one year after their transplants. That means about 80% stayed sober, regardless of how long they abstained from alcohol before the surgery. €œThere was nothing at all helpful or predictive about a six-month waiting period,” Cameron said.

No national regulation determines how long a patient needs to be abstinent how much lasix is too much before being added to the waitlist. Each transplant center sets its own policies. As of 2019, only about one-third of liver transplant hospitals in the U.S how much lasix is too much.

Had performed a transplant without one. Patients who don’t live near those hospitals — or don’t have the knowledge and resources to get to them — can die without ever making it onto the waitlist, Cameron said. On the other hand, some physicians worry abandoning the six-month rule could overwhelm the limited supply of donor organs how much lasix is too much.

With nearly 12,000 people on the waiting list for a liver, it’s crucial to ensure patients who receive transplants are ready to care for themselves and the “gift of the donated organ,” said Dr. Kenneth Andreoni, a transplant surgeon and past president of the United Network for Organ Sharing, which manages the nation’s transplant system. (UNOS determines who ultimately receives a donor organ, but how much lasix is too much it does not determine who can or cannot be put on the waitlist.) Since 2016, alcoholic liver disease has been the most commonly identified justification for a liver transplant, and since these patients often have dire prognoses with little time to live, they can quickly jump to the top of the waiting list, surpassing those with liver cancer or other diseases.

When one patient receives a liver, “someone else is not getting that organ,” Andreoni said. €œIt’s just math.” He said how much lasix is too much more long-term research is needed. €œIf all these people [who receive transplants without the waiting period] are doing great and living 15 years, then that’s the right answer.” Only time and statistics will tell.

Dr. Josh Levitsky, treasurer of the American Society of Transplantation, said some hospitals may worry that transplanting organs into patients with a higher how much lasix is too much risk of relapse could result in poor outcomes and threaten their accreditation or insurance contracts. In fact, some insurance companies require patients to provide documentation of a sobriety period before agreeing to cover the cost of surgery.

A study examining Medicaid policies in 2017 found 24 states had such policies, while 14 did not. (Twelve states didn’t perform any liver transplants that year.) In Brian Gorzney’s how much lasix is too much case, insurance wasn’t the issue. Finding a hospital to say yes was.

When the team at North Kansas City Hospital, which is not a transplant center, suggested Gorzney look into hospice options, his family refused. They took him across how much lasix is too much state lines to the University of Kansas Health System for a second opinion. There, Gorzney’s daughter Cameron, his ex-wife (Cameron’s mom), his then-girlfriend and his sister teamed up to explain why they knew Gorzney would stay sober and care for a new liver responsibly.

He had held how much lasix is too much steady jobs throughout his life, they said. He had never had a DUI. He coached his daughters’ softball teams and was like a father figure to his sister, who is 10 years younger.

He was headed to rehab before this how much lasix is too much crisis started, and he had a supportive family to help him sustain sobriety after surgery. But, ultimately, the hospital’s transplant committee said no. Brian Gorzney developed severe alcoholic hepatitis in February 2020.

His liver was how much lasix is too much inflamed after years of alcohol abuse. His only chance of survival was a liver transplant. (Jennifer Evans-Page) In May 2021, more than how much lasix is too much a year after his liver transplant, Brian Gorzney attended his daughter Cameron’s college graduation.

(Jennifer Evans-Page) In a statement about the general transplant process, Dr. Ryan Taylor, medical director of liver transplantation at the hospital, said each candidate is reviewed by a committee of more than 30 members. €œHigh risk transplant patients may be how much lasix is too much required to complete 6 months of counseling to demonstrate an ongoing commitment to sobriety,” he wrote, but there is an “expedited pathway” for people with alcoholic hepatitis who also have a “low risk for recidivism.” Gorzney was considered for this pathway, but the committee didn’t approve him, his daughter Cameron said.

She was devastated by the no. But she’s stubborn, she said, just like her dad. So, she and the rest of how much lasix is too much the family frantically scoured news articles and academic studies and called transplant hospitals across the country for another option.

€œMy dad was really deteriorating each day,” she said. They finally settled on the University of Iowa, where Cameron Gorzney had attended her first year of college and heard of its renowned medical system. The family made their case on Gorzney’s behalf again how much lasix is too much.

This time, they got a yes. The family’s group text exploded, Cameron how much lasix is too much recalled. Dr.

Alan Gunderson, medical director of liver transplantation at the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics, said most hospitals that allow transplants without the six-month wait look at similar factors. The patient’s how much lasix is too much medical need, financial stability, social support, understanding of their addiction and desire to recover. But the subjectivity of these measures means different transplant committees can come to different decisions.

In a letter to Gorzney, the Iowa transplant team explained they’d typically recommend a six-month waiting period but were approving him for the waiting list immediately because he wouldn’t survive otherwise. In return, how much lasix is too much Gorzney agreed to attend counseling and treatment programs after the transplant. Within 24 hours of being put on the waitlist, Gorzney received a new liver.

Today, more than a year and a half later, Gorzney, 52, is still sober and embracing the “opportunity how much lasix is too much to be somebody that I haven’t been in a while,” he said. He and his girlfriend are engaged, and he’s grateful to see his daughters, Cameron and Carson, grow into young adults. A lifelong Illinois Fighting Illini football fan, he even considers rooting for the Iowa Hawkeyes now.

But it worries him that the six-month rule, which led his family to travel to three hospitals in three states, still how much lasix is too much stymies others. €œPeople are, unfortunately, passing away … not knowing that there may be other options for them because they don’t have a support group that I had that was aggressive enough and strong enough to reach out and not accept no on the first response they got.” This story was produced by KHN (Kaiser Health News), a national newsroom that produces in-depth journalism about health issues. Together with Policy Analysis and Polling, KHN is one of the three major operating programs at KFF (Kaiser Family Foundation).

KFF is an endowed nonprofit organization providing information how much lasix is too much on health issues to the nation. Aneri Pattani., @aneripattani Related Topics Contact Us Submit a Story Tip.

SACRAMENTO — Gavin Newsom put California’s health care industry on notice when he was a candidate for governor, vowing in 2018 to go after the insurance companies, doctors and hospitals that where to buy lasix online leave many Californians struggling with enormous medical bills and rising insurance premiums. He pledged to lead California’s single-payer movement, a high-stakes liberal dream that would eliminate private health insurance and slash how much providers are paid. The tough rhetoric continued after he was elected, when Newsom told insurers to “do their damn job” to improve mental health treatment or face fines, and he vowed to cut the where to buy lasix online health care industry’s soaring revenues. €œWe’ve got to get serious about reducing health care costs,” the first-term Democrat said in January 2020 as he unveiled his proposal to establish an Office of Health Care Affordability that would do the unthinkable in a system powered by profits.

Set caps on health care spending and require doctors and hospitals to work for less money. €œWe mean business.” Industry where to buy lasix online leaders were rattled. But rather than mobilize a full-throttle defense to sink Newsom’s effort to regulate them, they have used their political clout and close ties with the governor to devise a friendlier alternative that doctors, hospitals and insurance companies could live with. When Newsom ultimately drafted legislation for the office, he took an idea health care executives had pitched and made it his own.

Instead of capping prices or cutting revenues, he would allow industry spending to grow where to buy lasix online — but with limits. EMAIL SIGN-Up Subscribe to California Healthline's free Daily Edition. Political infighting killed the legislation this year, but it is expected to come back in January and spark one of next year’s blockbuster health care battles. €œThey’re fearful where to buy lasix online of what might happen to them, and they’re trying to protect their interests because they’re threatened,” David Panush, a veteran Sacramento health policy consultant, said about health care industry players. They know “there’s blood in the water and the sharks are coming.” If Newsom’s plan to rein in health care spending succeeds, it could provide him some political cover as he campaigns for reelection next year, giving him a major health care win even as he sidesteps progressive demands such as creating a single-payer system.

But it could also cement the power of an industry that continues to wield immense influence — negotiating behind the scenes to protect its massive revenues and secure exemptions and side deals in exchange for its support. €œEvery time we try to do something to reduce where to buy lasix online health care costs, it meets with huge opposition,” said state Assembly member Jim Wood (D-Santa Rosa), head of the Assembly Health Committee who is working closely with the Newsom administration on this proposal. Industry power players have only pushed back harder as lawmakers have tried to take them on, Wood said. €œAnybody or anything that disrupts the status quo is met with huge resistance and huge resources to fight it,” he said.

—†â—†â—† When Newsom took office in 2019, he where to buy lasix online knew public sentiment was turning against the health care industry. On average, health care costs were around $11,600 per person that year, up from $4,600 in 1999, according to federal data. In California, hospitals account for the biggest share of spending, nearly where to buy lasix online one-third, while 20% of health care dollars goes to doctors. California consumers are demanding action, with 82% of state residents saying it’s “extremely” or “very” important for the governor and legislature to make health care more affordable, according to a 2021 poll from the California Health Care Foundation.

Much of Newsom’s tough talk on industry spending came early in his term. €œWe’re going to where to buy lasix online create specific cost targets for all sectors to achieve, and we are going to assess penalties if they don’t achieve those targets,” Newsom said in January 2020. €œIf that didn’t wake up members of the system, I don’t know what will.” Newsom’s wake-up call came on the heels of tense legislative debates on bills that would have empowered the state to set health care prices and created a single-payer system. The measures gained surprising momentum but ultimately buckled under opposition from health care giants.

Then the hypertension medications crisis where to buy lasix online hit and propelled the recall effort to oust him from office — and the wake-up call was met with a slap of the snooze button. The governor and his health industry allies nestled closer. Just as he needed them to be the state’s front line of defense, they needed him to keep hospitals from overflowing, to secure protective gear and to push vaccinations. Health care titans where to buy lasix online became regular fixtures in Newsom’s orbit.

His calendars, obtained by KHN, show that doctors, hospitals and health insurance leaders have routinely received access to the governor. Carmela Coyle, head of the California Hospital Association, stood beside Newsom at the state emergency operations center in the early days of the hypertension medications crisis, and Paul Markovich, CEO of Blue Shield of California, obtained a lucrative no-bid state vaccination contract where to buy lasix online to implement Newsom’s vaccination effort. The coziness of the industry’s relationship with Newsom burst into public view in late 2020 when Newsom was photographed dining at the ritzy French Laundry restaurant with Dustin Corcoran and Janus Norman, the CEO and top lobbyist, respectively, of the state doctors’ lobby, the California Medical Association. €œThere is no possible way we could have come out of this hypertension medications crisis where the health care industry was given so much power without influence coming along with that,” said Carmen Balber, executive director of the advocacy group Consumer Watchdog.

Newsom did not respond to questions about the industry’s influence, but spokesperson Alex Stack said his proposal to regulate health care spending “is a priority where to buy lasix online for this administration, and we look forward to continuing to work on this issue to get it done.” Doctors and Blue Shield have given Newsom millions of dollars to support his political career over many years, including a $20 million donation in September 2020 from Blue Shield for his homelessness initiatives. The recall effort earlier this year only solidified Newsom’s relationship with health care executives. Industry groups wrote checks to the California Democratic Party, which fought to keep Newsom in office. It received $1 million each where to buy lasix online from Blue Shield and the hospital lobby and $875,000 from the doctors’ lobby, according to state campaign finance records.

—†â—†â—† Though Newsom vowed to go after industry, he hasn’t aggressively taken it on, and health care executives and lobbyists continue to wield their influence as they shape the debate over the Office of Health Care Affordability. That could put Newsom in a political bind as he runs for reelection — first in the June 2022 primary and then the November general election — because he will face intense opposing political pressure from liberal Democrats who want him to keep his campaign promise and adopt where to buy lasix online single-payer. Health and political experts say Newsom can help alleviate that pressure by adopting a strict law going after spiraling health care spending. €œThis issue isn’t going away — it does need to be addressed,” acknowledged Corcoran.

The push to control costs “should be uncomfortable for where to buy lasix online everybody, but not horribly so.” But it won’t be easy. After powerful industry leaders joined forces with organized labor and consumer advocates to propose a plan to the governor, they jammed negotiations with their demands, splintering the coalition and killing the effort this year. Coyle, with the hospital association, had left the coalition early out of concern that hospitals were the primary target, and approached the Newsom administration independently. She is also asking Newsom where to buy lasix online to relax stringent earthquake safety standards for hospitals.

Corcoran wants to exempt “small” doctor practices — which he defines as practices with up to 100 doctors — from regulation, arguing that restrictive government cost controls could put them out of business, leading to increased industry consolidation and higher prices. €œThe goal posts were constantly shifting,” said Yasmin Peled, a lobbyist for the advocacy group Health Access California, which was involved in negotiations. €œThe asks were constantly changing.” Before negotiations completely broke down, Newsom embraced where to buy lasix online the idea floated by Coyle. The state should control growth, not impose revenue cuts.

And it should not only focus on hospitals, but apply to where to buy lasix online all health care sectors, including doctors and insurers. (The pharmaceutical industry would not be subject to the cost control provisions of the measure because of restrictions in federal law, according to Wood’s office.) With battle lines drawn, industry groups are poised for a major fight next year as Newsom and state Democratic lawmakers muscle through legislation. Their primary goal will be to protect their interests, said Mark Peterson, a professor of public policy, political science and law at UCLA. €œThere’s no question this where to buy lasix online industry has power.

The real question is what they do with it,” Peterson said. €œThey’re getting wins, and important ones.” [Correction. This article was updated where to buy lasix online at 9:15 a.m. PT on Oct.

12, 2021, where to buy lasix online to correct the spelling of Yasmin Peled, a lobbyist for Health Access California.] Angela Hart., @ahartreports Samantha Young., @youngsamantha Related Topics Contact Us Submit a Story TipThe night before Brian Gorzney planned to check into rehab for alcohol use, he began vomiting blood. First at where to buy lasix online 2 a.m.

Then 5. And again at 11. When he arrived at the rehab facility in North Kansas City, Missouri, they sent him directly where to buy lasix online to the adjoining hospital. There, Gorzney, then 50, and his family learned he had severe alcoholic hepatitis, an inflammation of the liver typically associated with excessive alcohol use.

Gorzney had been drinking heavily on and off for years and, by February 2020, was having as many as a dozen drinks a day. His only chance of where to buy lasix online survival was a liver transplant, doctors said. €œSo let’s do that,” his daughter Cameron Gorzney, now 22, told them. She was ready for anything that would save her dad, the man who had coached her softball team until high school and later cheered from the stands where to buy lasix online at every game.

But Gorzney wasn’t eligible for a transplant, the doctors said. He hadn’t been six months sober. In the U.S., a widespread practice requires patients with alcoholic liver disease to complete a period of sobriety before they can get on the where to buy lasix online waiting list for a liver. This informal policy, often called “the 6-month rule,” can be traced to the 1980s.

The thinking then — and among proponents of the practice today — was that six months of abstinence gave a patient’s liver time to heal and, thus, avoid a transplant. If that didn’t work, the patient would have proven they can stay sober and would not return where to buy lasix online to drinking after a transplant. However, a landmark European study published in 2011 and several American studies in the decade since have exposed flaws in that premise. Six months of abstinence is not a good predictor of long-term sobriety, and for people with conditions like Gorzney’s, more than half where to buy lasix online die within that time.

Now, as the understanding of addiction evolves — viewing it as a disease rather than a personal failing — many surgeons and families say the six-month hold unfairly penalizes those with substance use disorder. And with alcoholic liver disease rising among young adults and lasix-related drinking exacerbating those numbers, it has become a pressing concern. EMAIL SIGN-Up Subscribe to California Healthline's free Daily Edition. “We have where to buy lasix online to move beyond denying people lifesaving therapy because we think they don’t deserve it,” said Dr. Andrew Cameron, head of the liver transplant program at Johns Hopkins Medicine in Baltimore.

Doctors don’t withhold treatment from people with diabetes who are obese or people with sexually transmitted s who had unprotected sex, he said. Cameron and his colleagues published a study this August, which found that among where to buy lasix online patients with alcoholic liver disease who were made to wait six months and those who were not, about 20% in each group returned to drinking one year after their transplants. That means about 80% stayed sober, regardless of how long they abstained from alcohol before the surgery. €œThere was nothing at all helpful or predictive about a six-month waiting period,” Cameron said.

No national regulation determines how long a patient needs to be abstinent where to buy lasix online before being added to the waitlist. Each transplant center sets its own policies. As of 2019, only about one-third of liver transplant hospitals where to buy lasix online in the U.S. Had performed a transplant without one.

Patients who don’t live near those hospitals — or don’t have the knowledge and resources to get to them — can die without ever making it onto the waitlist, Cameron said. On the other hand, some physicians worry abandoning the six-month where to buy lasix online rule could overwhelm the limited supply of donor organs. With nearly 12,000 people on the waiting list for a liver, it’s crucial to ensure patients who receive transplants are ready to care for themselves and the “gift of the donated organ,” said Dr. Kenneth Andreoni, a transplant surgeon and past president of the United Network for Organ Sharing, which manages the nation’s transplant system.

(UNOS determines who ultimately receives a donor organ, but it does not determine who can or cannot be put on the waitlist.) Since 2016, alcoholic liver disease has been the most commonly identified justification for a liver transplant, and since these patients often have dire prognoses with little time to live, where to buy lasix online they can quickly jump to the top of the waiting list, surpassing those with liver cancer or other diseases. When one patient receives a liver, “someone else is not getting that organ,” Andreoni said. €œIt’s just math.” He said more long-term research is where to buy lasix online needed. €œIf all these people [who receive transplants without the waiting period] are doing great and living 15 years, then that’s the right answer.” Only time and statistics will tell.

Dr. Josh Levitsky, treasurer of the American where to buy lasix online Society of Transplantation, said some hospitals may worry that transplanting organs into patients with a higher risk of relapse could result in poor outcomes and threaten their accreditation or insurance contracts. In fact, some insurance companies require patients to provide documentation of a sobriety period before agreeing to cover the cost of surgery. A study examining Medicaid policies in 2017 found 24 states had such policies, while 14 did not.

(Twelve states didn’t perform any liver transplants that year.) In Brian Gorzney’s case, insurance wasn’t where to buy lasix online the issue. Finding a hospital to say yes was. When the team at North Kansas City Hospital, which is not a transplant center, suggested Gorzney look into hospice options, his family refused. They took him where to buy lasix online across state lines to the University of Kansas Health System for a second opinion.

There, Gorzney’s daughter Cameron, his ex-wife (Cameron’s mom), his then-girlfriend and his sister teamed up to explain why they knew Gorzney would stay sober and care for a new liver responsibly. He had where to buy lasix online held steady jobs throughout his life, they said. He had never had a DUI. He coached his daughters’ softball teams and was like a father figure to his sister, who is 10 years younger.

He was headed to where to buy lasix online rehab before this crisis started, and he had a supportive family to help him sustain sobriety after surgery. But, ultimately, the hospital’s transplant committee said no. Brian Gorzney developed severe alcoholic hepatitis in February 2020. His liver was inflamed where to buy lasix online after years of alcohol abuse.

His only chance of survival was a liver transplant. (Jennifer Evans-Page) where to buy lasix online In May 2021, more than a year after his liver transplant, Brian Gorzney attended his daughter Cameron’s college graduation. (Jennifer Evans-Page) In a statement about the general transplant process, Dr. Ryan Taylor, medical director of liver transplantation at the hospital, said each candidate is reviewed by a committee of more than 30 members.

€œHigh risk transplant patients may be required to complete 6 months of counseling to demonstrate an ongoing commitment to sobriety,” he wrote, but there is an “expedited pathway” for people with alcoholic hepatitis who also where to buy lasix online have a “low risk for recidivism.” Gorzney was considered for this pathway, but the committee didn’t approve him, his daughter Cameron said. She was devastated by the no. But she’s stubborn, she said, just like her dad. So, she and the rest of the family frantically scoured news articles and academic studies and called transplant hospitals where to buy lasix online across the country for another option.

€œMy dad was really deteriorating each day,” she said. They finally settled on the University of Iowa, where Cameron Gorzney had attended her first year of college and heard of its renowned medical system. The family made their case on Gorzney’s where to buy lasix online behalf again. This time, they got a yes.

The family’s where to buy lasix online group text exploded, Cameron recalled. Dr. Alan Gunderson, medical director of liver transplantation at the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics, said most hospitals that allow transplants without the six-month wait look at similar factors. The patient’s medical need, financial where to buy lasix online stability, social support, understanding of their addiction and desire to recover.

But the subjectivity of these measures means different transplant committees can come to different decisions. In a letter to Gorzney, the Iowa transplant team explained they’d typically recommend a six-month waiting period but were approving him for the waiting list immediately because he wouldn’t survive otherwise. In return, Gorzney agreed where to buy lasix online to attend counseling and treatment programs after the transplant. Within 24 hours of being put on the waitlist, Gorzney received a new liver.

Today, more than a year and a half later, Gorzney, 52, is still sober and embracing the “opportunity to be somebody that I haven’t been in a while,” he said. He and his girlfriend are engaged, and he’s grateful to see his daughters, Cameron and Carson, grow into young adults. A lifelong Illinois Fighting Illini football fan, he even considers rooting for the Iowa Hawkeyes now. But it worries him that the six-month rule, which led his family to travel to three hospitals in three states, still stymies others.

€œPeople are, unfortunately, passing away … not knowing that there may be other options for them because they don’t have a support group that I had that was aggressive enough and strong enough to reach out and not accept no on the first response they got.” This story was produced by KHN (Kaiser Health News), a national newsroom that produces in-depth journalism about health issues. Together with Policy Analysis and Polling, KHN is one of the three major operating programs at KFF (Kaiser Family Foundation). KFF is an endowed nonprofit organization providing information on health issues to the nation. Aneri Pattani., @aneripattani Related Topics Contact Us Submit a Story Tip.
