As it is Valentine’s weekend I was thinking a lot about romance, relationships, love, dating, sex … you know, the usual in my world.
Bob and I had a sweet weekend in San Diego – his friend had a birthday party but before that he coordinated the coolest couple’s dinner ever – four couples, super in love, who are solid and powerful as individuals and even more powerful as a partnership.
We then had a super relaxed and flow experience on Valentine’s day … getting to know new friends, watched Fifty Shades of Grey in the theatre, spent an hour at the beach and then came home to cuddle, drink wine, read love poems (a gift from Bob) and had one of the hottest, kinkiest, roughest sex sessions to date (thanks Fifty Shades!)
It also had me thinking about a recent event, born from the desire to have OTHERS open up to and have the same type of mind, body, heart, soul connection I finally feel in my relationship.
Two weeks ago, I had the absolute honor of co-facilitating a transformative journey for four brilliant women.
The topic: LOVE.
Shocker, I know!
After I met Bob and fully leaning into this experience of my life coming alive in a technicolor way, my overall mission to have other women experience amazing, dream like relationships has grown exponentially.
What I envisioned and held out for in love is more than possible and even better than I could have ever dreamed … the Universe gave me what I want AND more. (Thanks Universe!)
When I shared the vision to have a one day retreat for women with two of my dearest and most magical lady friends, their eyes lit up (and brains started churning), so we decided to join forces and create a one day retreat to heal and inspire hearts.
We set the wheels in motion and the women who appeared were ready and willing … they believed in themselves and their vision.
Not only was the day beyond perfect, and mystical, and beautiful, but I learned so much from witnessing these women come back to life … like a plant desperately needing water and once nurtured in that way strengthening and blooming right before our eyes.
The following are the five things I learned after 8 hours and lots of love flowing around our cozy beach cottage:
#1 – You can run but you can’t hide.
Your past will always be your past. And your demons will always be there if you continue to keep them in the shadows. Ignoring your hurts and wounds and limiting beliefs will only cause them to show up in sneaky, funky and weird ways. That saying “Same guy, different face” is because we refuse to address our part in attracting a similar energy of person that mirrors our undeserving and unworthy perspective of self. It is only when you face those fears head on and choose to transform those fears by shedding light on them that things will change. The patterns will be interrupted and you will begin to effortlessly attract what you truly want and desire and deserve.
#2 – Throwing Spaghetti is the best way to create change
We had coaching, tarot readings, oracle cards, hypnotherapy, Reiki, rituals which consisted of a burning and manifesting ceremony, in addition to worksheets and meditation. We threw everything at these ladies so that they could throw it right back at their relationship vision. Who knows what will be the ‘thing’ to catalyze the change or if it will be a combination of things, but you know what? WHO CARES!! The goal is transforming our hearts and I don’t know about you, but I will try whatever I need to do to make that happen. I will throw as much spaghetti at the wall until something sticks. After a mere eight hours, boy did it stick for these ladies. The results were radical … these women were beaming afterward and I know without a shadow of a doubt that this energy and confidence and clarity they now have will create their ideal love life effortlessly!
#3 – We are beautiful because of, not in spite of, our bruises.
For some reason we think we are alone in our plights. More than that, we believe that we are broken and unlovable because of it. Sitting in our sacred circle, and sharing the ways in which we were hurt, endeared me to these women in profound ways. There was not one story that I did not relate to in some way. Every time one of those women opened up about their bruises it caused me to admire the vulnerability and tenderness that they possessed. We ALL have stuff, every single one of us. It is what we choose to do with that stuff that is the differentiating factor. Do you stay burned or do you become the phoenix?
#4 – Our hearts are way more resilient than we know.
There is a saying I used to hear growing up about God not giving us more than we can handle. In moments of despair, that felt like the biggest piece of crock I had ever heard. However those trials, tribulations and challenges are indeed what make us stronger. Just like exercising our biceps, the tears in the muscles are what cause the body to repair itself and become ever more solid. Our heart is no exception. It is a muscle that can take so much and come back even more humbled and tender and giving. No matter how many times your heart may be ‘broken’, it will get rebound every time, with a greater resiliency than it had before. Trust in the power of your heart. It can teach you amazing lessons if you believe in its ability to evolve and transform.
#5 – When you show up and do the work, magic happens
What we were working with was not “light” stuff … there was years, even decades, of hurts and disappointments and frustration. I could relate as my own journey had been wrought with heartache and trauma. These women were committed. They showed up strong and dedicated. They threw themselves into the day and the work with open minds and open hearts. Not even a full day of being together and it was as if they were new women. I have seen it happen before but it blew me away that not even half a day passed and they emerged from their closed down cocoons and spread their brilliant wings like the beautiful butterflies we knew they would become. Plus you never know the ways in which the magic will begin to appear in your life. One of our ladies reported back that she had this amazing job opportunity presented to her that would give her way more freedom AND make more room in her day for a relationship.
There is something beautiful and simultaneously impactful in watching other’s come to major realizations and experience deep healing around blocks they have bumped up against most of their lives.
The reaction from these ladies after the day was over cemented for the three of us the need to do this work consistently and expansively. You also don’t need to be single, or in a relationship, to do this work. I know when I was with my ex, it was so beneficial for me to continue to do my work, and get clear on what I want, need and deserve, to either bring it back to our relationship (or decide if what I have is truly what I want).
With all of that we decided to take the show on the road, literally. We have dates set until March of next year (2016) all over CA and one in AZ. If you are interested (or have friends that would be stoked to do this kind of heart work), check out our tour dates here!
We are also open to traveling where there is a need … if a number of women decided to experience this journey together, we are definitely willing to look at what it will take to go to them! All in all, this work is important. We know this.
Love is important. The relationships in our lives are important. Experiencing ease and fun and bliss and fuckin awesome sex is important.
If you are ready for the same sort of magic, deep healing around your past, believing in love again and effortlessly attracting the partner of your dreams, then join us for the next Love Magic Retreat that is taking place on July 25th in Joshua Tree, CA.
As always, I am here to serve your heart however I can. Contact me if there is a calling on your part, the desire to do some work and shift your love life. I know it’s possible.
I am living proof and continue to see my clients reap the rewards themselves.
Let’s make some magic happen in your love life, shall we?
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