Video: Getting Raw and Real about Money and Shame

I have been doing some deep inquiry around my relationship with money – namely the feelings of fear, scarcity and suffering associated with it. When I started doing this work a few years ago, a big a-ha was how similar this relationship was to my past romantic relationships, especially my relationship to my DAD!

Amazing how there is such a similar thread that runs through ALL relationships, regardless of what it is in relation to: money, men, women, friends, family, co-workers, our work.

A big realization around this whole money scarcity relationship is how much we as individuals block being loved because of the things we choose to hide. Shame sabotages connection. Also suffocates creativity, intimacy and love.

So to practice what I preach, I am getting pretty freaking real about my relationship to money.

I don’t think we talk about this enough: the Shadow side of money and success and our super unhealthy relationship to ourselves during times of financial ebbs (versus flows).

Scarcity can be a bitch, but adding shame on top of scarcity can be a killer. So time to get naked.

Hope this helps at least one person feel not so alone, and to remember to reach out for help!

Please share if you know any one else that could use these words as comfort.


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